NEW PYRAMAZE album only 3 weeks away

am_ash2 said:
Don't worry Michael- I'm waiting for the "official" release....
Same here, i won't touch a sloopy internet download. I will only buy the real thing. And thanks for the comments, we do what we can, and we do it for the love of music and the people that write it and play it.

Theandromedastrain said:
yeah i got it leaked off of the internet, and yes of course im going to buy it. but i'll probably wait until PP7 to do so cuz it'll be very $ otherwise.

Oh yeah. Nightmare Records is selling it for $13.99. $13.99!? What do they think we're made of? :flame:

How much did you spend the last time you filled up your gas tank?

You may think that you are doing no harm in downloading a leaked album because you intend to buy it later. However, if nobody downloaded leaked albums, people would stop leaking them. So even though you may not be - if you ever do actually buy the CD for $13.99 - hurting the band directly financially, you are encouraging people to illegally post leaked CDs.

How would you feel if your boss said, "Thanks for all you did this week. Don't worry, we'll be paying you in September."?
How would you feel if your boss said, "Thanks for all you did this week. Don't worry, we'll be paying you in September."?

amen to that dude! how are we supposed to afford recording these albums if we cant even break even? some people have no idea what we go through to make a release. cheers -jonah