Pyramaze News


UM's Resident Asshole
Apr 22, 2003
Maplewood, Minnesota
Taken from the Pyramaze Forum - "Danish power metalers, Pyramaze, are now holding a contest on their official forum to find the "craziest metal fan out there". Basically what you do is take a picture of you looking the most metal you can, in the most metal pose possible, and post it on the official forum. The contest will be running though Christmas, and the winner will be announced sometime right after Christmas. Now, what's in it for you? Well, the winner will recieve a Pyramaze t shirt and a copy of their debut cd, Meloncholy Beast, courtesy of Nightmare Records and Pyramaze. And if the picture is really good, we might throw in something a little extra. The only rules are, no Photoshopping or editing of pictures, except for size, and the winner must provide another random picture of our choosing with them in it to prove they are the one in the picture and not just a random picture found somewhere. This is just our way from Pyramaze and Nightmare Records to say thanks to the fans who have supported us along the way, and Merry Christmas."

Official Pyramaze Forum
