q: Session from PT to Cubase?


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007

Well... right now i am recording a band...but only drums! The other stuff will be recorded by some other guys. The catch is that i am recordin in PT and the guy that will mix it works in Cubase. Is there a quick way to export the tracks in PT and not exporting it in real time track by track... ? Or are there any applications where I can convert PT session files into Cubase?

Thnx guys! :)

Have a glance at this article and let us know if you've got any questions following that.

EDIT: Sorry, that's Cubase to Pro Tools! I think what you actually have to do is 'consolidate' your Pro Tools tracks (triple-click the ruler to select your tracks from start to finish, Option + Shift + 3) to bring the tracks to an equal size. Then bounce each track down individually, and import to Cubase. The tracks should all line up. No quick fix though as far as I'm aware.
Man I was hoping there was a faster way than to bounce each out in real time- takes forever! i can track in college on pro tools but like to finish recording and mix at home on reaper and its a real pain!

Best I've found so far is to consolidate, then pan tracks in pairs hard right and left and to bounce out as multiple mono tracks- this way at least you half the time it takes
Transferring files from one DAW to another is the same regardless of which apps we're talking about. Just make sure you "consolidate" or "merge" your audio files after you've made your fades, etc. And export your MIDI if you need the tempo map, note information, etc.
high light the regions and then export audio as in the region list.

I usely do the following:
Record everything to the grid. Everey song starting at the same point. If you're planning to mix in cubase you don't have to do fades and stuff in pro tools.
Write down the takes who are good.And be shure to name them right :).
Close your session and go to the project audiomap. Here you will find every audio recording made. Look up the good takes. Viola you can import these in every audio program you wan't.
This way you don't have to export any track at all.
Thank you guys! I'll try everything out...
The quickest method wins a beer! ;)
1. Link Timeline and edit Selection (underneath the zoom tool in the edit window)
2. Make a selection from the start of the song to the end of the songusing the timeline, this will select all the tracks in your session (make sure none are hidden)
3. Consolidate all your tracks using "Alt+Shift+3" (Windows) or "Option+Shift+3" (Mac)
4. Go into your "Audio Files" Folder
5. Viewing you files in a list, arrange them by size.
6. The longest files should be the ones that have just been consolidated, copy these to a cd/dvd/pen drive/whatever and send them to whoever is doing the rest of the tracking.

Job done.