Quad Tracked 6505+..What Do You Guys Think


Jul 1, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys

Been recording rhythm tracks for my bands upcoming album.

I know you guys probably want to hear the mix with drums and bass to but all I have right now is the guitar tracks. The tracks are unedited and don't have any EQ done to them yet.

I just wanted to get your guys opinion on the tone. We are just recording the tracks ourselves and will be sending it off to a studio to be mixed.

Like I mentioned this is 2 tracks per side, mic'ed with a 57 pretty much straight on the cone about an inch away from the cloth. Used a Mesa Standard cab.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1711516/Rhythm Guitar.mp3

Let me know any suggestions you guys would have as far as high/low pass

We were going to DI the tracks and have them reamped, but......we didn't
not easy to say without a mix, but i think it will work!

btw: the stuff on your myspace sounds pretty cool!
Ya I know...It's just that we haven't done any bass yet, and the drums aren't edited yet.

But because we didn't DI, which was stupid not to, I want to make sure that this tone will stand up against other guitar tones that are done professionally.

If not I'm going to have to go back and rerecord with DI's. I've compared this raw tone to a reamp raw tone I got from OZ and I think the quality of this tone is there in comparison.

BTW: thanks for compliment man
no problem dude, the songs are one of the best ones i heard so far, by a non-signed band (as you seem to be on your profile)
great guitars and vocals!

I tracked also DI's for our album, but im not even sure if the quality is high enough for good reamping...*doh*
keen on a full mix dude! keep up the great work
funny: a lot of good stuff i heared recently comes from kanada...u guys aim for world domination or what? haha
They seem a little fizzy when they are not in a mix, but having a bit of fizz in a mix helps with cutting through. I'd have to hear them in a mix to make any further opinions, but for now, they sound good!

I am a 6505+ owner my self, and my re-amp box should be here today. I can't wait to get it going in a mix!
Thanks guys.

It was nothing crazy: SM57-->Mackie Onyx 1640 Board-->Cubase 5

That's what you wanted to know right?

I was wrong about nothing being on the tracks, there is some compression with Andy's settings on them.

Today we decided to retrack the rhythms with a different guitar and a DI. The guitar we recorded with had some intonation problems, so we wanted to redo the tracks anyway.

We're actually going to be looking for someone from this board to do the reamping for the guitars and bass as well as do mix the album. I'll make a post about it on the main page.

We were using a Jackson Soloist with EMG 81 in the bridge and a maxxon OD808 in front of the amp.

The guitar we're re-recording with is kinda funny...it's a Gibson Longhorn Double-Cutaway guitar with EMG 85's in the bridge and neck positions. Doesn't look like a metal guitar but it sounds huge. Here's a pic and some info on it:

http://www.gibson.com/en-us/divisions/gibson usa/products/gotm/longhorndoublecutbv/

We wanted a guitar without a floyd rose as it was giving us to many tuning and intonation problems with the low tuning and this gibson was the ONLY guitar with EMG's and a tune-o-matic bridge in the guitar store near us. Plays very nice and sounds great.

Our DI tracks are running pretty hot as well, around -4 db.