Quad tracked - Modern Thrash


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Alright guys, before I sit the vocals in and go from there, here's where my mix is at so far. It's for my own old band, so no rush or time limit, just doing it at my pace. So any thoughts here would be appreciated.


NEW MIX HERE!!! - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/306055/EIT-Prophets Smile.mp3

The guitars are Mesa Mark IV and Eng Invader quad tracked. And the drums are 100% replaced kick, the snare is 40% sampled (By the same snare) and the rest is completely natural.

Love hearing that rattling bass tone chugging away in the background! Has a real nice Arsis kinda feel in the verse.

And that tone is pretty nice!
The mix sounds good but the guitars are a little scooped.

Well, actually guitars are the only thing I wouldn't dare to touch anymore... because, to me, they're perfect! :) The tone itself, as well as the separation is impressive.
I'm just trying to figure what to do to that snare... it's kinda raw and/or bit dead... maybe a tad more compression and/or reverb...
But, the mix is very good and balanced.
Cheers for that guys. I actually think the guitars are a bit lifeless currently, I will only touch them a bit but they do need some life back.
As for the snare? What would you suggest? I'm not amazing with getting the right verb and also, i havent actually eq'd it much, was trying to keep it a little raw, but if it's a detrimental kind of raw I will probably go back and change that a bit.
Any thoughts on the lowend??

Thanks again.
Cool Song! Is there any way to diminish the distortion on the bass guitar? To hear more of a clean tone? Might complement the guitars more & fill in the low end.
I think that bringing back the low freq on the bass could help the guitars.
I'd first try this before doing anything on guitars. At 2"46, they sound killer !
Thanks a lot guys! I took a few things on board... one STUPID thing I didn't even realise was that the Top snare track only had about 2db compression going on *idiot* didn't even realise, went back fixed that up, IMMEDIATE difference. Much better. The cymbals have been subdued a bit, I took too much body out of them trying to remove the hi hat bleed... but sadly it's a losing battle. So they are a bit better now. I didn't touch the guitars much, gave them some more mids that they sincerely needed and played around with the lowend and the bass grit too.!

Check out the NEW SONG/ MIX I put in the OP! Cheers again guys, you've been great!
Cheers Nuno, I was thinking that myself, but I get very fussy about introducing any fizz... then again, nothing wrong with a little bit of it, everytime I reference a tone I'm always a little too dark in that region... My monitors are VERY treble heavy, so it's hard not to overcompensate :)

Cheers Bryan, I'd love to say it's all in the micing, but there's about 6 EQ plugins running on those guitars :P