Quantize MIDI drums with real overheads?


Dec 7, 2008
Waterford, Ireland
Hey guys,
I know people have mentioned doing this in the past, but no one really said anything about the best way to quantize MIDI drums with real overheads & hi-hats.
Right now I'm thinking I could bounce the MIDI to audio, slip edit the drums as normal, then quickly convert the snare, kick and toms back into MIDI using a method Adam Wathan recently showed in Reaper.

Can anyone think of a better solution?
if you have already quantized midi why would you still edit the drums?!
and if you have edited everything then why convert it back to midi?!??

i don´t get it.
If you have Logic 9 you can make a groove template out of the overheads and quantize the MIDI to that.
Hey guys,
I know people have mentioned doing this in the past, but no one really said anything about the best way to quantize MIDI drums with real overheads & hi-hats.
Right now I'm thinking I could bounce the MIDI to audio, slip edit the drums as normal, then quickly convert the snare, kick and toms back into MIDI using a method Adam Wathan recently showed in Reaper.

Can anyone think of a better solution?

Just group the midi tracks with the audio and make sure you're cutting before/after the midi 'blip' when you're slipping around. Glue everything back together afterwards, and bam - no need to reconvert to midi.
I never said I had quantized the MIDI and why would I? The real overheads wouldn't get corrected in the process and would sound way off! And for your 2nd question, do I really have to explain the benefits of keeping the drums in MIDI?

Wouldn't this assume the the MIDI for each kit piece is on it's own track?
No it should work if the MIDI is all on one track as well, at least in Cubase it works fine for me.
You can just group the MIDI track and the audio overheads and edit them from the get go without doing any converting at all. Reaper will let you edit MIDI events and audio grouped together just fine! ;)

I'll have to have a play around with this - if I can get a good workflow going it'll be great for getting great sounding drums in my not so great room!