Queen + Adam Lambert

Agreed, he does have a better voice. Hell, even Marc Martel of the Queen Extravaganza would have been a better choice than Adam Lambert. I am not impressed with Adam's voice or tone. It's too flaky and thin. I much preferred the Queen Extravaganza, even though two of the four singers are only fair. But the other two, Marc and Jeff Scott Soto are incredible as are the other musicians. The touring Queen Extravaganza even surpasses the the first few years of the touring TSO west coast group.

I've seen the Queen Extravaganza and they definitely should bring aboard Soto and Martel. They had the best rendition of Under Pressure I've ever seen. I got the goosebumps listening to the both of them doing it live. There are some YouTube clips if you do a little search. Those two guys are simply awesome!!!

I'll also agree with Soto being a real nice down to earth guy for having met him after the show.

Finally, I'm not the biggest Lambert fan but he's definitely a better fit than Rodgers who was horrible from my point of view.

I prefer this guy, he has a strong voice, filled with emotion.
He's got some balls behind his voice.

Not to be off topic, but is that the singer for A Mutiny Within?

I agree he does have a powerful voice. In regards to Adam Lambert, they could have done way worse than having him on stage with them, and yes of course they could have done way better but who cares...The guys are still performing well and having fun. The spirit and energy is what counts and from what I'm seeing there is no shortage of it on that stage.
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saw the Queen Extravaganza on tuesday night, Martel nailed Freddie, he was worth the ticket price alone. Musicians were killer. Every singer on board was excellent, Seeing Soto was a real treat, but as far as Queen goes, Martel is as close to Freddie as you'll get, methinks. He's got the walk, the moves, the voice and even the jawline, haha