Queensryche / Accept / Dokken / MSG


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Had the opportunity to see this custom line-up show last night. What a real treat getting to see this caliber of show without having to travel. Guess it was kind of a warm-up show for the annual South Texas Rock Fest taking place in San Antonio tonight.

It was a very well-organized show that went off without a hitch.

MSG -- Still daylight, and Michael just walks onstage and starts playing. The rest of the band kicks in and Lovedrive starts the set. Their sound was shit, but their playing was top-notch. David Van Landing was not a good fit on the vox at all, but the set highlights included Armed & Ready, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (new track), Into The Arena, and a full-blown, traditional, solo-filled version of Rock Bottom.

Accept -- Totally owned the stage. My first time to see Accept ever. The new stuff mixes seamlessly with the old. Mark really puts some personality into certain songs (Princess Of The Dawn), and then he just kinda limps through others (Restless And Wild). A few blown opportunities, but otherwise, I love the new Accept.

Dokken -- Never had anything good to say about Dokken, and this didn't really change my mind. Their set was an absolute joke. Highlight was getting to watch Jimmy DeGrasso play drums...poor guy.

Queensryche -- Resisted the urge to hear any LaTorre clips, even with all the hubbub going on about the QR split, so I was prepared to be surprised (good or bad). Love the new Queensryche. Definitely a re-energized band. I have nothing bad to say about Parker Lundgren...he seems to blend seamlessly with Wilton. Todd certainly has the chops, but it seems that he's trying too hard at times, which kinda annoys me. He should just relax and sing the songs, cuz he can handle his new gig. His stage presence and genuine enthusiasm and appreciation for his new position does shine through, however, and it's very endearing. Maybe he wasn't the perfect choice, but he was definitely a good fit. Who knows? After an album or two of new material, these guys could once again be a global metal force. They milked The Warning pretty hard, which was fun, even trotting out Prophecy, which kinda confused the crowd, I think...haha! If this is the future of QR, then good for them for finally taking control of their career. Set highlights included Roads To Madness, The Whisper, Prophecy, and En Force.

I could write a lot more, but I won't subject you to more of my subjective crap...thought the crowd here might like a report...

Rock on!