Queensryche: Operation Mindcrime II


Nov 19, 2001
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Has anyone spun this disc? Reactions?

I dont want to give a standard review other than comment that I am personally greatly disappointed and shocked how egregiously bad this album is. It's such a shame to see a once innovative band tarnish their image for money. After nearly twenty years, one would think better musical and story ideas would be spinning around in their heads. But sadly no, only derivative middling trash was bouncing around.

Anyway, does anyone feel this record in any way diminishes the genius of the original Operation Mindcrime?
I feel it only shows how great the band USED to be and how utterly forgettable they are now. OM2 would get a negative score if I could give one:

out of 10, they lose 2 points for the lack of political fervor, intensity of lyrics and driving song transitions of the first album.
they lose another 2 for the sound production, which is absolute crap.
they lose 20 points for the atrocity that is I'm American. And the ending "duet" which I had to make sure I was still listening to music and not the violent strangling of some poor animal, costs them another 20 points. There are some moments in the middle of the album where you can glimpse the possibility of the album not sinking to the oblivion of shitty albums, and Dio does much for this vibe. However, the 10 points I give them (Ronnie, sorry Geoff you get nothin) can't stop the boat from sinking.

So to recap: The riffs are uninspired, the lyrics are forgettable and at times make me wish I could forget them, the singing is piss-poor with the exception of Dio's brief presence, and the album is not worth even being released by any band, let alone by Queensryche as a sequel to the metal masterpiece Operation Mindcrime. This disc is Operation AlbumCrime. Totalling up my points gives them a -24 out of 10.
Kenneth R. said:
I feel it only shows how great the band USED to be and how utterly forgettable they are now. OM2 would get a negative score if I could give one:

out of 10, they lose 2 points for the lack of political fervor, intensity of lyrics and driving song transitions of the first album.
they lose another 2 for the sound production, which is absolute crap.
they lose 20 points for the atrocity that is I'm American. And the ending "duet" which I had to make sure I was still listening to music and not the violent strangling of some poor animal, costs them another 20 points. There are some moments in the middle of the album where you can glimpse the possibility of the album not sinking to the oblivion of shitty albums, and Dio does much for this vibe. However, the 10 points I give them (Ronnie, sorry Geoff you get nothin) can't stop the boat from sinking.

So to recap: The riffs are uninspired, the lyrics are forgettable and at times make me wish I could forget them, the singing is piss-poor with the exception of Dio's brief presence, and the album is not worth even being released by any band, let alone by Queensryche as a sequel to the metal masterpiece Operation Mindcrime. This disc is Operation AlbumCrime. Totalling up my points gives them a -24 out of 10.

Haha. Wow, you are even harsher than I. The duet is pathetically, egregiously, terrifically bad. Who is that chick singing? Where did they find her? Is she fucking one of them, or did they not want to pay for a decent singer. And "I'm American" vies with Toby Keith and Poison, for being so ridiculously cheesy and bad, I found myself chuckling.

I must confess, I sort of grew up on Queensryche, Ozzy and old Black Sabbath, so I've been a fan for some time. I cant believe the lackluster and poor job of writing and composition from Tate, Rockenfield, and Wilton. They were such an interesting band up through Promised Land. Even Q2k was at least a venture into grunge, thus for the group, some form of progress. But after that, damn, talk about a free-fall. I guess you can blame part of it on Degarmo leaving; he must've been the glue of the band.
I loved OM1, Rage for Order, Empire, heck even Tribe was a great album on its own merit.

Poison can do better than OM2 though, and I say that without hesitation.
I actually had some faith before the hype and the release, but hearing this album made me contemplate mass murder.

Starting with the band.