Queensryche vs. Queensryche

Todd's version have announced their album's details. It's self-titled, which IMO they shouldn't have done. They already have an album called Queensryche. Why not just call it Rage For Order then? I would rather they name it after a song from the album, like "Redemption."

Europe: June 24
North America: June 25

01. X2
02. Where Dreams Go To Die
03. Spore
04. In This Light
05. Redemption
06. Vindication
07. Midnight Lullaby
08. A World Without
09. Don't Look Back
10. Fallout
11. Open Road

Todd's version have announced their album's details. It's self-titled, which IMO they shouldn't have done. They already have an album called Queensryche. Why not just call it Rage For Order then? I would rather they name it after a song from the album, like "Redemption."

I am in full agreement. Naming it s/t is a dumb move I think.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the quality of the new QR album. My hopes weren't high, even after hearing "Cold". But, wow, Tate delivered the good here.

With that said, it doesn't sound like 'classic QR'. But at the end of the day, I'm most interested in good songs, regardless of whether or not they mimic the framework of past glories.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the quality of the new QR album. My hopes weren't high, even after hearing "Cold". But, wow, Tate delivered the good here.

With that said, it doesn't sound like 'classic QR'. But at the end of the day, I'm most interested in good songs, regardless of whether or not they mimic the framework of past glories.


i agree. tate delivered some good songs and with very little time in between his solo album last year
The guys were gracious enough to invite me backstage a few weeks ago after interviewing Scott:


(Parker Lundgren, Michael Wilton, and Scott Rockenfield)


(Last-second shot with Eddie before their tour bus left)


(Helluva show, featuring 5 songs from The Warning and one of their first times playing Redemption)
The new album out today proves there is only 1 Queensryche. It gets better every listen and blow's Geoff's FU out of the water.

TBH I just can't understand Geoff's obsession with the band name as he clearly wants complete control and musicians of his choice which seems by any other definition to be a solo career? Sadly, I can only assume he wanted to use the Queensryche name in order to deceive some casual buyers into purchasing his recordings. Now he seems intent purely on doing all he can to smear the name until he loses all rights in November.
I didn't think Cold was awful, but the rest of the clips they released for FU sounded too much like the last few uninspired QR albums. I also thought the "re-dos" of those 4 classic QR tunes were a BIG mistake. Awful.

I believe the other version of the band has better potential to produce some heavier tunes which will be more in line with my tastes. I can't wait to hear it.

I am definitely not pro-Tate in this split. I will NOT purchase his "QR" album. I thought it was funny that he announced they are remixing FU already, just a few days (if that) after he heard what Redemption sounded like. Do we really need TWO versions of this album? I didn't like Kelly Gray then, and I don't now. Not sure why Tate looked to him to make this situation even worse?

Weren't Tate and Gray bandmates prior to QR? Of there was that subpar album Gray made with QR.
In terms of Michael Wilton, what happened to the guy as writer? His lack of contributions has hurt QR over the years.

From what the court documents indicate and what Scott Rockenfield mentioned when I interviewed him, they were largely shut out of the writing and recording of the last 3 albums.

As far as FU, I think it has a couple of decent songs. Cold, Everything and Weight of the World are all quite good. I think Weight suffers from a bad mix (the distorted guitars still sound like shit) but Cold and Everything turned out pretty good when mixed properly.

As for the new S/T (I still don't like the fact that they self-titled it when they already have an album that's self-titled), it's the best thing they've done in 20 years. It has some serious balls, Todd sounds killer, the mix sounds great (not quite why I wanted from Jimbo, but it still sounds very good), the songs are heavy and have a lot of dual harmony work. All-in-all, it's solid. I've had it for a month and I've listened to at least 1 song from it every day since.
I love 80's Ryche but I can't say I'm big on either of these songs. If it means anything, I'm rooting for the La Torre fronted band. They at least seem genuine and I'd love to see them live. No offense to poundingmetal74 above but Tate's version seems more like a solo project with hired hands. I hated "Cold." I only find "Redemption" underwhelming but still having some potential. I'm hoping the rest of their album is better than that.

Eighties Queensryche leaves both :confused: Queensryche groups in the dust. Tate Queensryche has some poorly written material. La Torre Queensryche is going to be a "show-band" and they are better than Thayer KISS

I love your avatar, btw. :grin: Big crush on Bill Hicks ;)