Question about Conception


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
What's the first album, The Last Sunset, like? I know that it features Dag Ostby on vocals (before Khan came along).

I'm really digging the other 3 albums, just recently acquired...(better late than never to jump on this bandwagon, I guess...)

I was just curious if the first album had the same style or feel, or if it is something completely different.

Rock on!
The Last Sunset is more straightforward, and sounds more like a Euro happy-metal album. However, the title track is one of the best ballads ever recorded by a metal band.
ashaman7122 said:
What's the first album, The Last Sunset, like? I know that it features Dag Ostby on vocals (before Khan came along).

I'm really digging the other 3 albums, just recently acquired...(better late than never to jump on this bandwagon, I guess...)

I was just curious if the first album had the same style or feel, or if it is something completely different.

Rock on!

I've never heard this version, but it was re-done with Khan singing on it and that's the one I own. As with the other three, it is highly recommended. Relatively speaking, the music is slightly less polished than their other efforts (though really, I know a thousand bands that wished they sounded as 'unpolished' as TLS).

All I can say is, if it has Khan on it, pick it up!
I could be wrong, but I don't believe a version without Khan was ever released. The only one I've ever been able to find info on was the Khan version.
I just bought 'Parallel Minds' at from the dealer for $12. It's not there right now, though. I hope there's nothing wrong with the order, because it's still in "Processing" status.
i ordered parallel minds from caiman last week, still hasnt shipped(but my other cds i ordered at the same time have shipped)
I've had a few orders from caiman...and I've had positive results each time...

Makes you wonder, though...after the PPUSA announcement, you know there has to be a sudden demand (and subsequent lack of supply) for Conception CDs...

If they're selling shit that they're hoping to re-stock, they may be fooling themselves...and screwing all of us in the process...

Rock on!
I was under the impression that the first album was with Dag after reading the band history on the Rock Detector I was misinformed.

You guys are saying that Khan is on the first album (or it was re-done)?...right?

Rock on!
bhcompy said:
i ordered parallel minds from caiman last week, still hasnt shipped(but my other cds i ordered at the same time have shipped)

You mean you ordered other CDs from Caiman at the same time and they shipped but Parallel Minds hasn't? That might be an issue.

I've used Caiman before though, they seem like a good seller.
Yes barking, I always order from them, but sometimes when something isn't instock they don't email you and tell you. It just sits there. Thats what happened when I ordered an old Labyrinth import. Forgot about it and 3 months later "your cd has been shipped"
If you're willing to pay the full $30, has Flow, Parallell Minds, and In Your Multitude available for special order. also has them listed, but currently out of stock.

I bought Flow last year off of for $30 or so.
Caiman just re-added the $12 Parallel Minds on Amazon, and the next up used price for their albums at amazon is $18. I'm sure Caiman will keep readding on Amazon, so that's a good way to get that price......even though it might not be in stock or something.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Yup. Khan is 100% the singer on "The Last Sunset".(the 1 I have, anyways.)


Thanks for the clarification, Walt. As rock!

I will be sure to hunt down The Last Sunset and add to the collection...

Rock on!
If there was a version of "The Last Sunset" with a different vocalist, I would own it. There is no such album. However, Dag co-wrote a lot of the songs on that album with Tore. If you want to pick up some Conception, go to Denis Gulbey (the guy who runs the joint) is one of the reasons why I'm able to find every piece of music I desire. Right now, he's selling "In Your Multitude" for $14.88 and "Flow" used for $9.88. I've bought both new and used stuff from him with satisfactory results every time. Sentinel Steel is simply your one-stop power metal shop. Spread the word!

Stay metal. Never rust.