Question about Immortal Plains

Oh wait........I was searching under the image catergory! =rolls eyes at herself=

Hmmm, ok I got a review for a cd by Pendragon which mentions a Tina Groom. Never heard of em'.
Yes indeed Pendragon are a British progressive rock band...and as far as I can remember they are still going. They have been around since the early Eighties! Hope that helps!
Symphony said:
And you know who the keyboard player of Pendragon is? Clive Nolan from Arena and....Thin Ice Studios
And I just read the other day that Clive Nolan wrote the sequel story to Edge of Sanity's Crimson II?? How cool is that.
Tina don't 'alf add a good edge to Immortal Plains. Damn good idea getting her to sing on that, I thought.