question about mnemic/upcoming tour


Jul 2, 2003
I'm just wondering, what kind of people go to see Mnemic? On it says people who bought the new Mnemic album also bought stuff by Unearth, Diecast, and All That Remains. Those are sort of hardcore/metalcore bands, and many of the people who go to see them (especially baseball cap wearing fat guys) do that "hardcore dancing"--where they swing their arms and legs at people and jump on them.

I guess the question could wait until after the North American tour starts, but are those hardcore dancers gonna be there, and, if so, do you think they'll stay for the entire time? Because whenever I go to concerts and those guys are there, I can't go up front without worrying about my girlfriend and have to keep watching what they're going to do instead of listening to the music. It's like they're trying to start fights...

Nothing to worry about. You (or your girlfriend) probably have a higher chance of being hit by a car than being seriously hit by those hardcore/metalcore kids.
King Chaos said:
They won't attract that kind of crowd. Maybe one or two of those guys will be there, but not enough to want to swing their arms like epileptic gibbons. They need the back up of their fellow straight edge tough guys, which mnemic won't draw.

hey hey now, I am straightedge and I don't dance like a monkey. Don't lump all straightedgers into that goofy hardcore dancing scene:Spin: