Question about programming drums on PT


Apr 11, 2007
Bergen County NJ
I just bought the slate samples and I'm in love with them. I'm using the Kontakt with Pro Tools but I'm having problems trying to adjust velocities.
On the midi map, if I adjust the velocity of one vertical line, it changes all the hits that are on that line. Is there a way to isolate the velocity change for adjusting just overheads/other drums?

I think you might have all of the MIDI notes selected. Try just clicking off of a note and then select the note you want to adjust and then try adjusting the velocity.
Yes, in Pro Tools the velocity-thingys (don't know how to call them) are white for the selected notes and blue for the non-selected notes. So make sure, you select only the notes you want to velocity-adjust and make sure that the velocity-thingys are white.
I don't use PT, but Reason has this same issue. What I have to do in Reason is select the hit, then there's a numerical velocity value to adjust for the individual hit. If I drag up the velocity bar, all hits in the column get adjusted.
are you using Protools 8?

With 8 they finally added a separate matrix editor, and the program lanes, so you can have the velocity (and other options) below the actual track you're working on.

It's ALOT easier then it was in 7 and before.