Question about PT's In Absentia


Jul 26, 2002
Round Rock, TX
Hi Ken, just wondering, is the In Absentia album you carry in digipack format (like a mini lp) or regular jewel case?

I have the mini lp but it's all banged up now and I want to replace it...

Such a good album... Gavin Harrison is one of the greatest

Yeah, Gavin is amazing. I had the pleasure of watching him both with Porcupine Tree (Houston 2007) and King Crimson (Chicago 2008, 2nd night) and meeting him in person at the Houston show and he is just a remarkable drummer. He takes drumming to a whole other level...and he's a great person too...hehe...I remember I asked him at Houston about him possibly joining KC and he said "not true" (you should have seen his face!!)...two months later, GH joins KC...haha...If you can get a hold of his cd with 05Ric "Drop", you can hear what he is all about...great stuff...
Awesome, man! He posts regularily at the forums, answering questions people as him. That right there puts him up a few notches. I've been interested in getting "Drop" for a while now.