question about quebec show...

Oct 8, 2002
anyone going to the show in quebec city??
i looked up the address on the brave concerts site... and mapquest can't find it... can someone be kind enough to forward me the address or a mapquest link??
I will probably be there...I need to convince my girlfriend to come with me...I don't wanna go there alone ! BTW, I too wonder what kind of place is that "Salle multi"...never heard of that place before...sounds like a weird place...
Coopérative Méduse
541, De Saint-Vallier Est
Québec Qc
G1K 3P9

(418) 640-9218

Try calling them and asking if that is the place where the Salle Multi is, I got that from the Complexe Meduse's site.

According to my Googling and this link Québec - Accueil - Méduse (Coopérative de producteurs et de diffuseurs artistiques culturels et communautaires) that would seem to be the correct address, might see ya there!

hopefully i'll be able to find the place...

and tetranyque... good luck with the convincing... although going to a show by yourself is not that scary...
Yeh, well, you should see them in Montreal with Bodom, two shows, two great bands. Im heading down there.

This is gonna be AWESOME
i saw COB once and didnt liked them much actually. AA will steel their show im sure! just the albums are so great, imagine live!!!!!!
I will surely leave after AA because COB really dont have any interest for me.
i am going only for Montreal show though, sadly :waah:

i just cant wait for 18th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quebec show is sold out! Although I am seeing them in manhattan I will also be in QC at that time.

Management please add another headlinging date to QC I guarantee you will sell out again!

Anyone know how big this venue is?