Question about reamping !!!

If you were to record a band persay, drums, bass, vocals, and 2 guitarists. And you only record 2 tracks for each guitarist... and i mean 1 DI track and 1 mic track for each guitarist... when you re-amp could you just record 2 miked tracks for each guitarist... so it would then be quadtracking? or would that sound wierd?
It would not be like quad tracking. It would not sound weired though and you can do this to get 2 different tones for each guitar track and blend them together. Basically 2 of the same track just doubles the volume though. So keep that in mind.....
ok so i just read through that thread about "Quadtracking" I am wondering.. does everyone on here have a different view on "quadtracking" What is it called when each guitarist plays their part twice. thats it, TWICE on each side... is that just doubling? i call it quadtracking cause there are then 4 guitar tracks all together.. is this wrong?
ok so i just read through that thread about "Quadtracking" I am wondering.. does everyone on here have a different view on "quadtracking" What is it called when each guitarist plays their part twice. thats it, TWICE on each side... is that just doubling? i call it quadtracking cause there are then 4 guitar tracks all together.. is this wrong?

Thats quad tracking, when you end up with 4 guitar tracks total is quad meaning four.