question about rot and electricity...

It would burn and sear the flesh, sizzle the organs and also it would have an exit point from the body, which usually involves some gory semi-explosion, I believe.
Conceivably, if the electricity sparked at all in the body it could also, potentially, ignite the flammable gases that can build. Very low probability, but not to be overlooked.
Unless you think burnt and exploding corpses with a stiffy is funny. because I sure would.
How much current are we talking about?

If it is a small amount, probably nothing at all. A medium amount will cook and burn meat and boil liquid. If it is a lot, there will be a sort of dead-person paste coating the general vicinity. This more or less the same effect on a live human, except that small amount of current sufficient to stop your heart without causing obvious damage are obviously meaningless to a corpse.

I'm not sure about the explosive gas angle. That bears further investigation.
...too many words. I like pictures.

So, you're talking about the 12v battery part with dude
being a heating coil?
Interesting concept and well written. A couple of the descriptions were slightly overdone, but not much, really. It was more a flow thing as it brought the appropriate level of depth. IMO you're quite good, and particularly good if I consider your age. Nicely done!
It's not too bad. It's nicely written, but I'm a whore for something deeper than violence, because I think it's lost all meaning in books, movies and such. It brings nothing new to the table.

The story is good though and the employment of various literary techniques demonstrates that you are very able.

I know it might not be your particular area of interest, but I'd love to read something you wrote that was not in the horror genre.
derek said:
It's not too bad. It's nicely written, but I'm a whore for something deeper than violence, because I think it's lost all meaning in books, movies and such. It brings nothing new to the table.

The story is good though and the employment of various literary techniques demonstrates that you are very able.

I know it might not be your particular area of interest, but I'd love to read something you wrote that was not in the horror genre.
out-and-out violence was pretty much what i was going for with this ... that's what it started out as, just me wanting to write something just brutal, like the exploitation horror movies like Last House on the Left and I Spit on Your Grave. the whole plot thing just kinda wormed its way in there out of habit and i feel made it more confusing or ust took away some of the shock value, since i find i'm never able to just write something that's straight out "murder for murder's sake" ... i always want to write something with a deeper meaning.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
out-and-out violence was pretty much what i was going for with this ... that's what it started out as, just me wanting to write something just brutal, like the exploitation horror movies like Last House on the Left and I Spit on Your Grave. the whole plot thing just kinda wormed its way in there out of habit and i feel made it more confusing or ust took away some of the shock value, since i find i'm never able to just write something that's straight out "murder for murder's sake" ... i always want to write something with a deeper meaning.

Damn, I hate it when plot gets in the way of the senseless violence. :lol:

I'll read it when I'm not at work.