Question about Steven Slate


New Metal Member
Sep 19, 2009
Rockford/Normal, IL
hey everyone

im sure im not the only one waiting for steven slate to release Trigger but i had a quick question about slate drums. its been rumored that Trigger will come with slate samples so i was wondering if you can buy an expansion pack (i.e the metal expansion pack) without having first bought the EX or platinum pack? for those of you who have you been using slate this is pry a dumb question but i just want to make sure ill be able to use those samples before i get Trigger
thats what im wondering. i use logic now so i was considering puttin the wavs in the esx24. im considering buying EX now actually since they are offering a buy one get one expansion pack with it.
Trigger will allow you to use your own samples as well as the included Slate samples, IIRC. So it will function just like apTrigga/Drumagog AND have Slate samples already there for you to use.
so i just got the Slate EX plus two expansion packs deal and its working out great. ive been using them alongside the logic drum replacer. i got the metal and more and rock pop 3 packs. i wouldnt mind knowing what some peoples fav slate samples are! kicks, snares, toms anyone?