question about the chicago show...

May 18, 2002
Is it possible to pay at the door at that place? I'm coming from Michigan, and i'm not sure if I need to get tickets in advance or what. Any help/information would be greatful, thanks.
normally i would say don't bother buying in advance, it probably wont sell out. BUT...people on the list have been saying that their city's shows have sold out, and since you're coming from MI, that'd suck if you drove all that way and couldn't get in. so i'd say buy the tickets now.


ps - the house of blues is an awesome venue. i just have to type this on every post that deals with a show there haha...the sound quality there is the best i've heard anywhere in chicago.
Mr. Niel. A few pointers about bringing your gear in. They use wands in the beginning of the night. I guess they want to make sure they check the main rush of people coming in. If you show up a little later, they stop using them. Also HOB's official policy forbids taping of any kind, so be very careful.

Good luck!!

Cassete Recorder in the pocket to be enhanced to actual listen-ability on my computer. It won't be that great, but I'll try anyway. It's more for a memento than "I must get an awesome Live Recording!!!"

I would need alot better gear for a "good" live recording.