Question about Volume / Limiting


Apr 5, 2003

Well I have a general question about hard limiting process after you've bounced down your track... I usually mix the track and put in a mastering chain, then I bounce it down for the final touch -- the hard limiting.. Without it, the track is over 0db and clips like mad, of course. So basically I set it to -.1db and boost it until the percentage clipped is about .613% approx. Well I was fiddling with a new mix and it has a new bass guitar in it that basically sounds infinitely better than my old bass, so I have a lot better tone and also it is so much more present in my mix. Basically I kept lowering it until I thought it sounded right in the mix, and then I was given the ability to boost the song more and more loudly... Up to the .613% clipped of course but with lowering the bass, that became more and more db increase.

When I listen to it in headphones and all, it sounds about how I want it to sound, it isn't muddy, and the tones are clear, etc... there is the issue of the bass having a constant "buzz" in it that the compressor on the bass really brings out but I'm going to deal with that using a noise reduction profile. What I am basically looking for some info on is the fact that when I take it to capacity, the song is really freaking loud, at least as I can hear in headphones -- of course using regular desktop speakers you can just turn the knob up and down, and at capacity, it destroys the desktop speakers! Haha! Brutal. But yeah, it just gets extremely loud in the headphones as it should, no distortion whatsoever... but the tones become very very strong and loud through the ear cups, you know what I mean? Like the presence of them is extremely high. What I basically wanted to ask if this is generally considered "fine" or if I should not limit as hard in order to allow the tones to be a bit more friendly at capacity volume. -_-

I know it is a weird question but please bear with me here.
Seems like people don't really acknowledge something unless it is mixed like a hit pop song. :)

It's progressive rock by the way, the first 5 or so minutes acoustic and the last few minutes are heavy with a heavy outro. Also got some bass muddiness between the kick and bass drum or whatever the heck else, had the same kind of thing with my past mixes... not sure if I should try cutting frequencies, it is only really noticeable though with powerful subwoofers and systems with some kind of bass boost enabled. :-x