Question concerning mail time....


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
I was wondering if any of you have any idea it usually takes for something to get from Sweden to the U.S. The reason I ask is that I bought the JEM demo from Anders over a month ago and it is still not here. I'm beginning to get very annoyed. Hopefully someone can fill me in. I'd hate to know that I got robbed by the mailman.

Thank you.

well, all the items I bought from Anders took a max of 4 days save two: a Ravendusk in my Heart vinyl and Decortication demo.

Those took about a month from when I first sent my payment because Anders was waiting to get a vinyl mailing box.

When I emailed him [on a Wednsday] he told me this and said he sent it out on Monday.

lo and behold! the next day, my package arrived, both vinyl and decortication demo in great shape!

so email him and ask the man!
Anders is a busy guy ya know........usually (I have got probably 10 or so items from Anders) its between 2 weeks and a month......just be patient.....things coming to the U.S. usually dont get ripped so I wouldnt worry about that........Getting things from Anders is ALWAYS worth the wait........ ;)
I've ordered stuff the other way around from U.S -> Sweden. And it will take a while.. I've waited 6 weeks for stuff to get here. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks. It's totally random.