Question concerning college


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2007
Hi all.

I have taken a recent interest in teaching music and am highly considering it a profession. I've been playing seriously for a little over a year now and am coming around to a little thing called music theory. I am personally fascinated by it all and am looking to major in a five year music theory can composition major at a local university of mine.
I was wondering of the things I could do to prepare for this, as I am worried I might not have enough time to learn the prerequisites for a major of this nature. I am 15 years old, about to complete my freshman year in high school, and know next to nothing about theory (All I know are things like naming chords, arpeggios, scales, circle of fifths, that kinda stuff). I lack the money to pay for lessons and am completely relying on myself, books, the internet, and my anti-social tendencies to learn.
Any tips on what to do in my situation? I figured this would be a good place to ask.

Thanks a million in advance.
i'm 16, and have been asking about that stuff ALL over, and have gotten many responses, so i can tell you a lot about that stuff if you feel like PMing me, or Iming me or whatever works for you, though im sure chris can help a bunch

i spelled your name with a t at the end again on accident...
r_young112 reccomended me Harmony and Theory by Keith Wyatt and Karl Schroeder which I picked up recently. I'd also reccomend it highly if you'd like a book. It goes through many concepts and really helps in stringing them together into something understandable.
r_young112 reccomended me Harmony and Theory by Keith Wyatt and Karl Schroeder which I picked up recently. I'd also reccomend it highly if you'd like a book. It goes through many concepts and really helps in stringing them together into something understandable.

so you like it ey?
I've been getting the most I can out of the Guitar Grimoire Series, but I bought those when I thought guitar would be my main focus, then all this multi instrumental theory reached my knowledge. I'll check out that book r_young recommends.
so you like it ey?

Yeah man. I comented on it in the original thread where I asked about it the other day. I'm reading through it once, then I'll go back and read through it again and do all the excercises. I'm about 2/3 of the way through it and it's already doing what I wanted it to do. I'm finding that when I try to come up with a riff or melody I'm no longer blindly chosing notes of a scale, but instead chosing and changing notes to make the piece have the sound and emotional effect that I want.

Big cheers for turning me onto it.