Question: copy/replace plugin incl. settings in Logic Pro X


Jul 27, 2012
Hey guys,

in Logic 9 I used to be able to copy a plugin OVER another instance of that (or any other) plugin, hence replacing it, by pressing option and command and then dragging the plugin over.

I used to do this all the time, e.g. when I change the rhythm guitar tone on the left channel and then drag and drop the changes over to the right channel.

If I do the same thing in Logic Pro X now, it ADDs the plugin so that there are now two instances of the plugin, both active, on the new track. And I think it doesn't even carry over the settings form the original track.

So, does anyone maybe know how to achieve what I did before in Logic Pro X? I am probably just stupid but I checked the manual and googled it a few times and didn't find a solution