Question: dreaming Neon black concept


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
Hello everyone!

Do you know if Warrel wrote these lyrics from stuff that happened to him? It seems as though it really he or was he married? Was "she" his wife? Did she die? etc...please share your opinions on the concept as well if you have any answers to my questions. :confused:
There's tons of links in their website to interviews where Warrel explains the 'concept'. I think that's the best way to get familiar with the story.
Yep. I noticed when the new design was introduced to the website that it's probably going to be hell viewing with a 56K connection. Heh. I have 10 MB connection and it still takes too long to load up.

Maybe The Wendy should check on the Nielsen Usability Heuristics for the next design. :grin:
WD, had a chickee , this chickie had plans....with WD...but alas WD, HAD OTHER PLANS, so chickie joins a cult...
WD..tries to reason with her, she tells him....get lost, so he does..she gets deeper in the cult..

WD, WANTS TO WRITE A BOOK ON THIS, but alas century media says no royalities will be alas poor warrel has to write a ballad of the tale ON DNB... one redeeming factor.

Hey WD, should a water melon juice be added to a martini just wondering if this is stupid.

Unsung hereo get in touch with me..I have some badass lyrics to show...

remember smoke the primo nothing else