Question for Andy...

metalkingdom said:
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLACKFACE ADATS?!!!!

Excuse me but, I think the world is about to end...
....And mixed on a Ghost w/o automation if I remember correctly. I guess we're just learning the operator-not-equipment lesson again.
Andy Sneap said:
Actually Testament was 48/16 cause it was Adats.
I quite understand that you are limiting your audio depth for reasons of plugin compatibility and hard disk space.

But, if you worked with 96/24 and then down-mixed the audio, the result would 'sound better'. Correct?

Or is there just no point in 96/24 to 44.1/16 in your opinion? :hypno:
metalkingdom said:
Ahhh...The "in-betweens". LOL. I can't f'ing believe you!!!

hi metal kingdom.. james murphy here. i can 100% vouch for Andy's claim as to how The Gathering was recorded as i actually set up the ADAT Studio that we had in Testament's rehearsal space at the time. i had a similar set up in my loft and i recorded all my solos for that album there.... with 16bit ADAT XT's.

i have to admit that i'm very curious as to who you are... feel free to contact me privately at or my AIM screen name, Idlesouls2

take care,

James Murphy
Hi James:
I actually still have a copy of "Guitar Shop" magazine March 1997. You decribed your home set-up with a schematic of signal flow and list of gear: Adat's; Mackie 32-8 w/Ulta-Mix automation....running on a Mac Quadra 650 using Opcode Vision software....hehe, I thought tha was pretty cool when I found that again.
JV said:
Hi James:
I actually still have a copy of "Guitar Shop" magazine March 1997. You decribed your home set-up with a schematic of signal flow and list of gear: Adat's; Mackie 32-8 w/Ulta-Mix automation....running on a Mac Quadra 650 using Opcode Vision software....hehe, I thought tha was pretty cool when I found that again.

ahhh, the "good 'ol days"... heh heh.. these days i'm running Digital Performer 4.12 (i'll upgrade to 4.5 when they iron out the few bugs it seems to have) with 3 different MOTU interfaces on a G4 dual 1.42 loaded with lots of extra goodies, like the UAD-1 card, etc. etc.

thanks for the blast from the past.
Hi James:
You use Digital Performer!!!!???That's what I use. I feel like we're related!...hehe...Actually DP4.5 runs very nice. It's that freakin 4.51 update which is big time buggy.
Thanks for he response.
You know, that's one of my favorite things about Andy. He, more than anyone, made me realize how much of the results are due to the talent of the person and how secondary all the gear is. It's so easy to get caught up in the gear mentality...I mean I love good gear, don't get me wrong. But I like how Andy kinda flies in the face of all that snobbery: 57s. ADATs. Soundcraft. 44.1. Finalizer.
It just goes to show that if you have the EARS and know what you are doing, you can get good results no matter what you're using (within reason). Great gear helps, but the ears and the knowledge are what it's all about.
Amen Mr.Smith! One time on another forum I asked about the TC Finalizer.Basically the response was "...I would't pass my mixes through junk..blah,blah blah"). And then I found this forum and lo-behold, what does Mr. Sneap use?....hmmmm?...Wonder why Andy's unit sounds so good?....He must have gotten lucky with a better version......HA!HA!HA!.........yeah right!
Oh man I remember that Guitar Shop issue! I still have a bunch of those old magazines around my apartment somewhere. I really miss that mag!