Question for Antti About Record Deals


I Wanna Rock!
Sep 14, 2003
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I was just wondering who your main deal is with, i know you have territory rights with Century Media(well not any more) but they werent your main deal,
and also how many more records you have on your current deal. I think if you guys were to sign with Century Media you could get a tour or too, just from what I see with other bands like The Haunted and Arch Enemy, or Nuclear Blast even(if they will have you, but i don't why they wouldn't want Ialmah you guys are the best... really you are... litterally... I mean it)
Sorry to answer the question for Antti, he can still post his comments if he'd like :). They are signed to Spinefarm. They have distribution through Century Media so that is why they are listed as being on the current roster. I really wish that their record label would take notice and give Kalmah a tour. They have immense talent and to see them not hardly playing shows after 3 albums is making me mad :yell:. I wish there was something we could do to persuade the label to give them more shows...
Kalmah said:
Distribution is wrong word. Century Media has licensed all of our albums to most of the European countries and North America. CM did arrange the gig in Wacken 2002.

Whoops, sorry. I had heard someone use that word in regards to this question before.

But still, SOMEONE needs to give you guys more gigs! I'd love to see you in the U.S.