A question about the reoccuring swamp theme


Role model of males 18-49
Hey Kalmah,

Just wondering what the whole deal with the swamp theme is? I just saw you're entitling the new album "swampsong", and although I'm sure the music will be great, the theme is starting to get tiring. Even though last album didn't contain swamp in the title, there were songs like "swamphell" etc. Do swamps hold some sort of significance to you, or is it just 'your thing' like Children of Bodom and their constant reference to Lake Bodom?

I'm just putting in my two cents here, I'm not bashing the band or anything like that, just an observation :)
Swamps and nature are very close to us. Over here in Northern Finland the most of area is covered by swamp even though we live on the Taiga area which starts from Siperia and spreads to Canada also. Taiga is pine tree area. I bet the swamps up in Canada are same kind like here in Finland but I`m not sure because I haven`t been there yet. If I compare local swamps to swamps in South America, for example, the difference is huge. The swamps here are turf covered with moss. Swamps and nature are the source of our inspiration.