To The Swamplord(s)


Jun 15, 2004
How in the mother swamping fuck is it going? Like everybody else here agrees, you guys are truely the greatist melodic death metal band in the metal scene today. Me and 2 buddies created a band a few years ago off the inspiration of arch enemy, and children of bodom. I introduced my friends to your guys' music just a few months ago and I'm hooked to each song. Every song that you guys put out is fuckin' killer. But the sure thing that catches me and my friends attention are those top notch solos that you blast into your fans fuckin' cranium. We drive around and go park some where that isn't in sight, smoke them dutchies while blasting kalmah! The melodies couldn't be any better and like century media said your fuckin' rhythem and vocals will simply floor you. Any one should appereciate the musitionship that you guys give out.

Damn well hoping for a U.S. Tour and hoping for you guys to tour your homeland also. You guys deffenetly deserve the same ammount of respect that you guys put into your music. Can't wait for the fourth album to arise out of swamphell and into my CD player because I know your new CD is going to be just as, or even better then the rest.. Do some more longer solos, more melodies and pekki if you can, your voice is fuckin' brilliant but clear vocals from you on the new album would deffentally substitute your name pekki to LEATHER LUNGS because that would be fuckin killer!

Keep the swamps rising and the music sworming. :rock: