
So I guess the thought around here is that just cause Kitte is as big as they are, that they're some kinda feminist sellouts. Has anyone given more than a cursory listen to their music? Probably not from the sound of it. So its simple, sure. Its still crushingly heavy. And Morgan's lyrics and vocals are just stunning. Don't make me break out the 'E' word for those passing automatic judgements.
Bad_Intentions said:
Haven't Any of you noticed the image of a Female in Metal? Yesterday I purchased the new Dimmu and In side were pictures of half naked girls! I mean, that the image that we have in metal! Its Bullshit! Cuz, in a inflame music video they have this girl ddancing to jotun. now how the fuck do you dance to metal!!?... Is this because there is an absence of Females, or is it just cuz were just an object?
ARGH!!~! Right? I hear you, that Dimmu inlay is just ridiculous, but then Shagrath's also getting a Jack Daniels I.V., so I guess you can't take it _that_ seriously... But the half-naked girls in Black Metal thing does strike me as pretty ludicrous. Hey, at least when Gorgoroth got in trouble in Poland for having people crucified on stage, nude, there were men _and_ women. I dunno, there's always a few standouts (Jo Bench from Bolt Thrower, anyone?) but it seems that the lack of females in metal bands just breeds... more lack of females in metal bands, it's a self-perpetuating cycle. It seems like it's so intimidating to so many girls that they just never _start_ to play, or give it up, and let's face it - being in a serious metal band takes _years_ of bedroom practice (or being in punk bands :kickass:) before you're ready. I will say, though - my (very female) roommate sang in a crust band and an EBM band, plays keys and bass, and has something like a 7 or 8-octave voice. And yes, I am taking advantage of that fact in _my_ band, thank you very much.

And that Jotun video? Don't even get me started, what were they _thinking_? I mean, I guess maybe they were young enough not to know better, but _man_, that was dumb... :err:
Bad_Intentions said:
Many bands tell me that they don'twant me because I don't have the Look! What Look! I look Like fuckin Brody Armstrong.

Did it occur that that is not the image these bands are looking for?

Just cause you mdoel yourself on some 3rd rate punk wannabe doesn't mean you have "the image"... Imagien Abbath from immortal trying for Hammerfall... He doesn't have the image yet his image is Metal (or in your case, punk).

And the stuff about dimmu?

Quit moaning, maybe if you weren't so uptight you might get somehwere.

Dimmu borgir are crap nowadays and thats what they do to sell records, leave them be.
Iced In Flames said:
Most record companies dont give a shit how well you play actually. Its all in the image and how much they can make off that. You think Spears or Aguilera have contracts because of their vocal talents? Noop.
Labels want to sell, obviously, but that doesn't mean that everyone who sells is crap. And it doesn't mean that Spears does not have a voice because she looks good. She simply does not have a very good voice. BUT Aguilera has one of the best voices in the worldwide pop/rock scene nowadays. She was obviously helped a lot by her looks, but she DOES have a VERY good voice. Being beautiful does not imply that you're necessarily a shitty musician!
Aaaah, and of course, don't give up because some asshole is being a fuckin racist! Do your best and the ones who are worth playing with will notice your talent no matter if you're man/woman, pretty/ugly, fat/thin, old/young or whatever. That's exactly what I meant with my previous post. Don't turn some musician down because (s)he is not looking like a god(dess), but don't turn her/him down because (s)he is looking good, either! Just close your eyes and listen, who cares how the person in front of you looks like?
If I ever met a female metal guitarist in life I would piss myself, there would be no problem for me playing in a band with a long as she can play well.
Bad_Intentions said:
Im Not going to lie, but I am A fuckin good Guitarist, Many bands tell me that they don'twant me because I don't have the Look! What Look! I look Like fuckin Brody Armstrong.. anyways... I figured that Most guys are offended by me playing the guitar and into the Metal world. I've also noticed, Not one girl Musician, which is pretty shitty.(besides Otep and Arch Enemy).

Now if You guys had a band and this girl came up to you played really good.. would you turn her down because she's a girl?

Whats your take on girl Guitarist... some guy told me I should Stick to Cooking! For fuck Sakes, all I know is how to make a fuckin Pizza pocket and fuck Burn it in the Fuckin MICROWAVE!... anyways... whats ur Take?
I personally don't care what someone looks like nor what sex, race, weight etc. they are. I'm a "jeans and t-shirt" guy and don't believe in an "image." There are enough clowns out there with goofy face make-up on (like Slpiknot) to take care of the image department for me. I don't buy CDs to look at the covers, I buy them to listen to the music. In other words, I could care less if a female guitarist was in a band or not as long as they play well. Avalon (Germany) was one of my favored bands and they had a female bass player and she kcked ass.
As far as you cooking... if all you can make is a pizza pocket, you are going to get tired of those really quick. I'm a guy and I can cook. I prefer not to, and don't do it regularly but I get tired of going out to eat over and over, so I whip up a home cooked meal from time to time. It's not rocket science.
