
I would not give a shit..if you can play, fit in the band chemistry, and can hang in with a male dominated band..

you are in

music is matter who plays it..male or female.

maybe they were threatened by how well you can play?
I personally could care less what sex you are. Certainly, there are a few styles of metal that require a certain "look" but being a female should actually open more doors for you than close them. I really don't understand your problem.

A good way to attract people's attention is to make a 3-5 song promo/demo record. Find out how to make drumbeats with a drum machine and record the stuff with you cpu or in a cheap studio. Burn a buch of cd's and give them everywhere
Haven't Any of you noticed the image of a Female in Metal? Yesterday I purchased the new Dimmu and In side were pictures of half naked girls! I mean, that the image that we have in metal! Its Bullshit! Cuz, in a inflame music video they have this girl ddancing to jotun. now how the fuck do you dance to metal!!?... Is this because there is an absence of Females, or is it just cuz were just an object?
Bad_Intentions said:
Haven't Any of you noticed the image of a Female in Metal? Yesterday I purchased the new Dimmu and In side were pictures of half naked girls! I mean, that the image that we have in metal! Its Bullshit! Cuz, in a inflame music video they have this girl ddancing to jotun. now how the fuck do you dance to metal!!?... Is this because there is an absence of Females, or is it just cuz were just an object?
It's most likely from an absence of women in general in the metal community. I don't see women as objects, and I think videos that portray them that way are beyond stupid.
I think its crazy being biased towards sexes thats ignorant hell if u have the tallent it doesnt really matter in fact a friend of mine is a girl and were thinking about making a project...hell why dont u im me and show u some of my music and u can show me ures i like to get opinions about my music...

let the metal flow
I'm a girl and if I had any talent, I'd be shoutign it all over the place, reagrdless of what any guys thought about me! Just go for it and prove them wrong! Sounds like you got your fair share of talent, so go make music you love :)
Sunbane said:
If I was approached by a female guitarist looking for a gig, I wouldn't think twice about it if she could play well enough to fill the slot. I'd rather think it's hella cool and pick her over a male of equal skill. =)
What he said! And as most of the others posted: just play as you want to, and anyone who gives you crap like the bastards you talked about, you might just be better off not playing with them anyway...
Bad_Intentions said:
I've also noticed, Not one girl Musician, which is pretty shitty.(besides Otep and Arch Enemy).

Shadow, Nightwish, sinergy, Seraphim, Lacuna Coil, Cradle Of Filth (Dani and that other chick).... the list goes on.
Girls that can sing , play guitar , play bass, play drums, whatever they rule and if some fuckhead doesnt want u in a band just cause your a woman that is fuking retarded. Just keep playing and keep the metal alive. Theres women in metal out there you just gotta find em. To mention a couple that havent been mentioned already,(Runhild of Thor's Hammer, and Rachael formerly of Occult,currently in Sinister)
just what everyone else said: I wouldn't mind to play metal with anyone, no matter if girl or guy, music isn't about sexes after all

just to name another few "metal-girls":
Deadly Kristin (backing vocals in Ancient)
Astrega (Drumms in Cerberus)
I'd love to be in a band with a girl.
Dunno why, i can just see me getting pissed off at another male guitarist and like, Guitar+head. Haha
there are a lot of girl that playing metal... they arn't famous yet and maybe they will never be famous but there are
and i'm one of them..
Well bad intentions, as fadingessence said, you just hafta accept that many metalheads are the 'ugh ugh' type and are just gonna be shytty to women. But when you do find your band and start kickin a$$ then you can show em all how its done! I personally would have no problem having a girl in my band, matter of fact I think it would be pretty damn cool to have a chick shredder.
But how is it that noone has mentioned KITTIE?!? They're only like the heaviest f**kin band EVER!! I seen em 4 times, I never miss em when they come around. Sure they're not the most technical players like most of the black metal fans are interested in, but for pure headbanging heaviness they just can't be beat.
So, maybe one day I'll be jammin out to some bad intentions!
Screw what anyone says. The best bands don't care about image anyway. It is about the music. Think about the oldschool thrash bands. Sure most had long hair, but they just wore whatever jeans and t-shirts were clean (or sometimes not so clean) Practice your chops and if you are good enough, reasonable people won't care if you are a girl.

wnterbass said:
But how is it that noone has mentioned KITTIE?!? They're only like the heaviest f**kin band EVER!! I seen em 4 times, I never miss em when they come around. Sure they're not the most technical players like most of the black metal fans are interested in, but for pure headbanging heaviness they just can't be beat.
So, maybe one day I'll be jammin out to some bad intentions!

First of all, kittie are nu metal pish that all look like guys ( Except talent, shes hot).

2nd of all.... Black metal and Technical in the same sentence???
Bull shit! Fuck'em all! I think they are just scared you will see their little peepee's. Unfortunalty chicks don't sell records unless they can dance and are hot. Guys can be as ugly as sin (Mick Mars) and make millions, ever when the chicks are just as or more talented. Ah, cruel world....