Does the image even matter....


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
i hate how you guys, (and even myself sometimes), base a band on how they look. i think its fuckin stupid. if a band like dimmu borgir, wears corpse paint, even when they arent really that much black metal... who gives a shit? as long as the band plays good music, i dont care what they look like... just like the black dahlia murder, yes they look like hardcore kids, but who cares their music is good at the gates music... i want to hear your guys opinions.. i think its just fuckin stupid that we say those guys are so fake, they suck... but if their music is good... who cares and they might be shitty dumbass people but isnt the music all that matter.....
I totally agree, and I also I hate people dividing metal music into parts....

X Band is not black metal , they are progressive melodic doom bla bla metal ...
because they don't whip their asses during live performances ?????
that's silly..

there are hundreds of black metal and death metal bands in the world and most of them have thier own look and unique style of music. I think there are no certain differeneces between each genre..
Well, Keelhaul look like the biggest bunch of freaks you'll ever see but they make unbelievable music. Pelican look emo but are far from it. I still think that most bands that use corpse paint are trying to get attention.
i dont think corpse paint is for attention, sometimes it is over done, like w/ CoF, and shit... but its not bad
I try not to judge anything buy its looks. I saw this band at FL metalfest (yes, FL does have a metal fest, and yes, I was one of the 20 people there). There name is....well...i forgot the name, but the band was a three piece, all black dudes. Now, I know what you guys are thinking but, comon, how many black dudes are into heavy metal. I thought they were gonna suck. The guitarist was wearing a pimp suit, so I had no Idea what was coming. BTW, now that I remember the name of the band, its stonevengence (yes I coulda went back and edited the message, erasing the preivious sentence, but wtf, i'm lazy). So stone vengance came out on stage and played the sickest thrash metal. I"m talking old school, metalli-deth riffs. I couldn't believe my eyes. Moral of the story, don't judge a book, or a band for that matter, by its cover. And while we are on the topic, I fucking despise corspe paint, I think it is rediculous. Not only does it rip off Jean Simmons, but it's got this "scare the parents" vibe. It's about the music, not the make up.
Never given a shit about how people look or dress whether it be music or just walking around where lots of people are.
Corpse paint is funny, IMO, but I do like it sometimes. I think image can be a good thing if used right. If you create something totally unique about the way your band looks you may be remembered more for that than your music. But overall, the music itself is most important.
try not to judge anything buy its looks. I saw this band at FL metalfest (yes, FL does have a metal fest, and yes, I was one of the 20 people there).

Florida has a metalfest? I've lived here for twenty years and I've somehow managed to overlook this?
Donnie Darko said:
by the way, in my book Dimmu Borgir is black metal. Just cause it sounds relatively well produced, doesnt mean its not black metal
There isn't a whole lot on their last 2 albums that you could call black metal just from a purely musical perspective.
A friend of mine says, even though he loves metal, he says he doesn't look like he is a guy who is into metal, and doesn't want to play metal with his band, even though, all of the band loves metal. they're concerned about their image, why? They wear khaki pants, light colored shirts..heh, fucked up, isn't it?