Does having the "metal" look really matter if you listen to good bands?



SWPL = white educated liberal bohemian

So what the heck is a bohemian? Wikipedia aptly defines “bohemian” as a word of French origin, “first used in the English language in the nineteenth century to describe the untraditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, musicians, and actors in major European cities. Bohemians were associated with unorthodox or antiestablishment political or social viewpoints, which were often expressed through free love, frugality, and/or voluntary poverty.”

But modern bohemians aren’t necessarily impoverished. In fact, being college educated, they are usually wealthier than regular middle class white people, and many SWPLs are downright rich. BIGLAW is full of SWPLs such as Heather Eisenlord. Consequently, there is a great deal of overlap between SWPL values and upper middle class values.

SWPL is actually an acronym for “stuff white people like” which was coined by Christian Lander who founded the blog of the same name, Stuff White People Like. In his blog, Christian wrote post about stuff that “white people” like, which includes things such as farmer’s markets, sushi, knowing what’s best for poor people, and the Ivy League. The blog was so well done that people initially thought that the author was Asian, but it turned out that the author was a member of the very class he was mocking.

SWPL can be used interchangeably as a noun or a verb.

SWPL should be pronounced “swipple” but never written that way.
It's a lot more fun to talk about why it's illogical to point out a gay black metal musician as an example of it being a bad style of music that has no merit.

I feel that if you will allow him to post things of that nature, you shouldn't criticize people for replying.

Uh, you completely missed my point. I didn't even know any of the Taake guys were gay; I was under the impression that the crotch-biting incident was just a joke or a failed attempt at looking hedonistic and blasphemous or something. My point is that there were many people that were apparently once fans, that then disowned the band over a crotch-biting incident at a live show. The only kind of people that would do that are 1) fundamentalist gay-bashing types (relatively rare in metal fandom) and 2) trve kvlt black metal types. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if a couple of average looking (meaning no corpse paint or theatrics or anything else associated with image) death metal dudes starting biting each others' crotches on stage, it would probably raise some eyebrows but overall I think people would laugh at them for being silly, since death metal usually doesn't take itself so seriously. I mean, you have M-A where Christian black metal bands get little apostrophes around 'black', because image and ideology are considered so precious to fans of the genre.
BM is poseur-ridden way beyond any other metal genre in my experience, i don't disagree there. what i don't agree with is equating ideology with image.

and yea you can't really criticise people for rising to HBB's provocations unless you're gonna criticise the provocations themselves as well. people do sometimes overreact as well but i don't really see it as 'ganging up' so much as disagreeing in bulk.
I don't wear band shirts. I actually refuse to, kind of a statement because 9/10 metalheads I know rock the look and my inner child is still a nonconformist.

Really though the people I know who dress the part only seem to associate with other people who dress the part and I refuse to conform to that faggotry. Plus, you know.... Big kid jobs. My hair hasn't been purple in years, and I'd bet some others here were glad to roll a sleeve over their tats for a bigger paycheck and bigger vinyl collection.

It doesn't matter. It should never matter. Nothing matters. You don't matter.
I don't wear band shirts. I actually refuse to, kind of a statement because 9/10 metalheads I know rock the look and my inner child is still a nonconformist.

Really though the people I know who dress the part only seem to associate with other people who dress the part and I refuse to conform to that faggotry. Plus, you know.... Big kid jobs. My hair hasn't been purple in years, and I'd bet some others here were glad to roll a sleeve over their tats for a bigger paycheck and bigger vinyl collection.

It doesn't matter. It should never matter. Nothing matters. You don't matter.

lot of words for something that doesn't matter
I don't wear band shirts. I actually refuse to, kind of a statement because 9/10 metalheads I know rock the look and my inner child is still a nonconformist.

Really though the people I know who dress the part only seem to associate with other people who dress the part and I refuse to conform to that faggotry. Plus, you know.... Big kid jobs. My hair hasn't been purple in years, and I'd bet some others here were glad to roll a sleeve over their tats for a bigger paycheck and bigger vinyl collection.

It doesn't matter. It should never matter. Nothing matters. You don't matter.

Purple hair never has been and never will be metal. Pretty sure most people who 'rock the look' manage regular jobs as well.
I wear band shirts most of the time and most of my t-shirts are band shirts. I like supporting artists that I like by buying a shirt at shows. I also wear a studded belt and have done for years. Apart from that I don't think I look like your typical metalhead at all.

Also, I associate with many people who don't wear band shirts and I have a good job. Crazy shit, I know.
I don't think people who buy and wear band shirts are fags, I just think people who commit to the whole look and have a weird obsession with being 'metal' are fags. They're one-dimensional, no different than some high school clothing trend. I guess my obvious and popular stance wasn't obvious enough. Probably because STN is on her period again. How many periods do you German broads have a year?
Every t shirt I own is a band shirt. It's weird that the one I own that offends people the most seems to be a pallbearer shirt with a giant cross made of naked faceless people crawling on each other. (No genitals)
I hate shopping. I just order a bunch of band shirt every once in a while, so I have pretty much only band shirt, apart from one shirt that looks like it has cum on it because someone put some cleaning supplies on it and it left stains. Other than that, I don't bother with metal look.
it's ok to like metal and not look metal all the long as you don't look like a faggot the times you don't

what's more important is the metal attitude. some "metalheads" have pussy ass personalities and gay happy manners of speech and lame worldviews. when you meet me you can tell im metal even if im not dressed like it cuz im pretty cold and emotionless

although i do sort of look metal, my hair is kind of long and i have a goatee and a couple band shirts. i don't give any effort to it though cuz i give 0 fucks about anything
Can you post the photo of that t-shirt?

Here's a stock photo of it


Seriously I have some really offensive shirts like nunslaughter and profanatica but when I wear this people look at me like I'm the antichrist. I don't understand why.