What happened to the Rock Star Image in Metal?

there is a big difference between prancing around stage axl rose style and being a rock star. for instance i was reading about how gorgoroth, i think, preformed a show in the hometown of the pope where the entire stage was covered in goats blood adn sacrificed animal parts and naked chicks were participating in a mock crucifiction. that is positive rock star style if i saw that i wouldnt feel like i wasted my money. but when i see four people on stage doing nothing at all except "instrumental masturbatoin" i feel like ive wasted my money on elitist retards. if metal appealed to 15 year old girls that would obviously be pop music. but if something is dont on stage that is insane and hasnt been done a thousand times before that is rock star style and not pop style. because lets face it, black metal is crap without band members murdering each other. and capital murder and arson is not pop star material. its rock star material.
Metal has become the antithesis of society, but then again the rock star image of drunkeness, whoring, drug use, and not being responisble for ones actions is most assuredly not a part of society either- it symbolizes freedom, destructive freedom, but freedom nonetheless. You know Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, all of the fathers of metal were all pretty damn popular, otherwise metal wouldnt have existed. Venom and Celtic Frost may never have been born if a band from England playing doomy anti society shit didnt get popular. And shit, the black metal bands are at least having fun lately in a grotesque and image based sort of way- from that band in Poland, to Mayhem throwing goat skulls into the crowd.

I dont know why i am even bothering anymore, Guardian admitted it- he is an elitist- thats what it all comes down to, feeling special and being part of a elie group of like-minded individuals about ones superior form of music. You know i dont totally disagree with this kind of elitism, but it helps to open oneself up to new ideas, forms of music, and the mass of society every once in a while. It would be nice to see some metal fans on this board chill out about metal, and take a joke and laugh at the overly serious scene.
I don't think metal necessarily appeals to an intelligent group of people. A good deal of metal fans are just as moronic and have the same herd mentality as any group of teenyboppers.
speed said:
Metal has become the antithesis of society, but then again the rock star image of drunkeness, whoring, drug use, and not being responisble for ones actions is most assuredly not a part of society either- it symbolizes freedom, destructive freedom, but freedom nonetheless.
Eh, but it's an "accepted" form of rebellion, it's "freedom" within the frame of society. It's the type of shit that the mainstream loves when it's all over the headlines.
speed said:
I dont know why i am even bothering anymore, Guardian admitted it- he is an elitist- thats what it all comes down to, feeling special and being part of a elie group of like-minded individuals about ones superior form of music. You know i dont totally disagree with this kind of elitism, but it helps to open oneself up to new ideas, forms of music, and the mass of society every once in a while. It would be nice to see some metal fans on this board chill out about metal, and take a joke and laugh at the overly serious scene.
I think you're confused about the definition of 'elitism'. It is nothing more than confidence in your own opinions, believing them to be more valid than other people's opinions. And therefore the belief that some bands are better than others. It doesn't mean you have to be closed-minded to bands that are of different genres, but it does mean you don't tolerate shitty music. As far as being 'serious' is concerned, I make a lot of jokes with people I like, I just don't like many people here so I don't bother.
speed, you are totally wrong.

the more music becomes popular, the more executives and record labels get involved in the music, trying to steer bands to produce what they think that people want. this is when metal ceases to be metal - and just becomes part of pop music. maybe you want this. but i personally dont want to hear nevermores version of st anger.

metal because of its nature isnt going to appeal to kids. its extreme and generally parents won't let 10y/o's get really into it.

if you want "metal stars" to be doing things like peeing on public statues, becoming ravaged by cocaine and other extreme drugs and reaching the point of suicide, perhaps you should lead the way.

i think generally ppl are smart enough these days to realise that there are rammifications for such actions making these acts not worth it.

otherwise i dont understand what you want from bands??? i guess my advice would be go and download the "warrant - cherrypie" clip - it seems to encompass all the ideals you ask for.
dill_the_devil said:
Playing to 50 people who appreciate the talent, emotion and honesty that goes into your music is infinitely preferable to playing to an enormo-dome full of vapid, trend-whoring hipsters who've come along to the show to compare hairstyles and to be seen to be into the next big thing.
Are you seriously implying metal is fashionless? Metal is a wet T-shirt contest for fat sweaty long-haired social rejects. It is all about comparing who has the most obscure band shirts...
poltergeist said:
the thing is you need a balance between being a rock star and being a musician. you dont go to a concert just to hear music. if you just want to hear music you can buy a cd and it will be cheaper that way. it seems like a lot of modern metal acts these days just arent too entertaining to see anymore and that is a problem. the point being you dont have to play pop music to be a rock star; for a show to be worth seeing rock starishness is somewhat required. besides if i had a band i wouldnt mind a few women being in the audience that arent fat smelly mexicans. thats what metal is missing, eye candy.
I recently stopped going to over-priced boring metal shows. There are a few metal bands i will go out to see. I would rather pay half the price for the intensity that is a metalcore show. So much more satisfying. The whole crowd responds or is involved somehow(gotta love those flying crowd punches). The pile-up, sing-a-longs... MEtal has become nothing more than hypothetical hardcore. The "I would do that if I wasn't such a pussy" mentallity. I believe what blood for blood says. But when some horrible 10th generation clone regurgitates nihilism, I can't take it seriously. IT is a genre of fantasy, not reality.
Metal displays the same "musicanship" as jazz. Nothing complex, just hand conditioning, and masturbation simulation. And you know you are a fag when you are having 3rd rate sex with yourself. You are pretending to pretend. When I want complexity from my music I will listen to my Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, or Bartok collection.
Metal displays the same "musicanship" as jazz. Nothing complex, just hand conditioning, and masturbation simulation. And you know you are a fag when you are having 3rd rate sex with yourself. You are pretending to pretend. When I want complexity from my music I will listen to my Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, or Bartok collection.
Not all metal is how you describe it, based on technical proficiency and instrumental-wankery. The best metal is compositionally superior, like many classical composers, capturing the spirit of the ideas they put across.
speed said:
I had a nice dinner with some fellow Indian Grad students- who are off the charts in intelligence- the chicks put on George Micheal and Ace of Bass- they didnt know any better, and they liked the music. Is it their fault this is what they like, groups based only on image, and what they could listen to in India? Are they bad and tasteless stupid people for liking pop music when they all already have architecture and engineering degrees, and now are getting masters and doctorates?

Don get me wrong !!!, I am a Computer Science Engineer from India too and i live in India, But still i listen to some underground Metal stuff, I have around 3000 Metal Songs. Not that Metal is not available in India, Its the sheep mentality of them to listen only to Music with an Image or whichever is popular. Most of the people in India have a mindset that Metal is just Noise and not music, They never make an effort to listen to metal and then judge the Music, I hate that with the ppl here, They have too much of prejudice. Anyways its their individual tastes, i respect that, but i never tolerate ppl who blindly consider Metal has sheer noise without making an effort to listen to it. :err:

Coming to the Thread's topic. I personally think Metal as a serious form of music (i meant the lyrics and the ideology) and Rock star image for Metal bands will not suit the Genre. :Smug:
ThePhilosopher said:
Well with a metalcore show you get more "crowd involvement" at the expense of actually having good music being played.
And how ironic it is that you use a pseudonym such as the philospher; which is hypocritical to the very nature of your posts. If you were well read in philosophy, you would probably subscribe to the ideas of relative perspectivism and subjectivity. Most of the well-read would agree to those concepts. However, your use of the word good (especially in the context of musical discussion) demonstrates that you are not one of the aforementioned.

Which leads me to believe that your screen name pertains to Death(the band)? If so, the wankery that that band became is best described in my other post.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Not all metal is how you describe it, based on technical proficiency and instrumental-wankery. The best metal is compositionally superior, like many classical composers, capturing the spirit of the ideas they put across.
Well the bands most people would name would be how I decribed. But you would say you are not one of those people. So why don't we just skip over that, and you can drop some names for me.
SADUDE said:
Metal displays the same "musicanship" as jazz. Nothing complex, just hand conditioning, and masturbation simulation.
There are many complex pieces of jazz, but those works are not commercial.
SADUDE said:
When I want complexity from my music I will listen to my Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, or Bartok collection.
They have accessible works, popular for the classical music fan. More difficult to listen are those pieces projected beyond the spectrum of tonality. Check Stockhausen, Ligeti, Nono, Berio, Marco, Varese, Penderecki, Xenakis.
Although I'm a fan of Ancient Music (Victoria, Zelenka, Couperin, Corelli, JS Bach).
SADUDE said:
Are you seriously implying metal is fashionless? Metal is a wet T-shirt contest for fat sweaty long-haired social rejects. It is all about comparing who has the most obscure band shirts...
I'm stating an opinion based on personal experience here (which is something that really shouldn't need to be explained on a forum, but what the hell...) - what everyone else does or thinks about metal is entirely up to them, but metal to me is not what you suggest - I'm just as happy going to see Pitchshifter and MuDvAyNe as I am Opeth and Scalplock, as long as I enjoy the music they play. Obscurity of band shirts and sweatiness of members doesn't come into it.