Question for Borknagar (or anyone well versed in uh?Norweigen?)

Originally posted by henrikmain
Errrr....... Where indeed is it? Good question. It's quite near Rockefeller. But I cannot remember the name of the street.... Oh well. I'll post it up here if I remember it.

And now for something completely different.... how old are you? I'm wondering, cause the school is starting now (not for me, it starts on Monday, hehe.), and I'm starting at Videregående. Have you started school/studying/etc., or what?

It's my last year at videregående. :) So I'm russ this year. ( :-/ )

Near Rockefeller? Hehe, then.... It could be in the same street as Sound of Noise then.... Is vaterlandstunnellen right outside? How about Top Secret? Is it in the same street?
Originally posted by TravisW
Hmm...there's a replica of the Gol church in Minot, North Dakota. great-great grandma was from Krodsherrad, which I don't think is terribly far from there, is it? They're both in Buskerud anyway.

Heija, Krødsherad, you say?!! Hehe, then she probably spoke the not too unlike the dialect where I live! :-) Krødsherad is about an hour or 1 1/2 hours from Gol. And gaaah!!! Gol stavechurch is beautiful!! :-) With all the dragon heads and everything, hehe.... :grin:
Yes yes, European keyboards have all kinds of fancy letters. Different in every country. How about these: ö, ä, ü, ß.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa

It's my last year at videregående. :) So I'm russ this year. ( :-/ )

Near Rockefeller? Hehe, then.... It could be in the same street as Sound of Noise then.... Is vaterlandstunnellen right outside? How about Top Secret? Is it in the same street?

What kind of russ? Svartruss? Hehe.

It may well be in the same street as SON. About Vaterlandstunnellen, I have no idea. Same with Top Secret. Come to think about it, though, I think there is a kind of tunnel quite near it.
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Yes yes, European keyboards have all kinds of fancy letters. Different in every country. How about these: ö, ä, ü, ß.

You don't need a specific keyboard to get certain letters though. I have a Swedish keyboard and if I for some reason want Norwegian Ö's and Ä's I simply press:

ALT + 145 = æ
ALT + 146 = Æ
ALT + 155 = ø
ALT + 157 = Ø

Simple as that.
Originally posted by henrikmain

What kind of russ? Svartruss? Hehe.

It may well be in the same street as SON. About Vaterlandstunnellen, I have no idea. Same with Top Secret. Come to think about it, though, I think there is a kind of tunnel quite near it.

Nope, not svartruss; I'm red. :-/ (kjedelige allmenn...) How about you; what kind of linje do you take?

Hehe, then it is Vaterlandstunnellen and Sound of Noise! :)
Gaah, that thing made fun of me!! :cry: First it asked if I was over 90 years old :eek: :( Then it said: This isn't funny! You can do better!!!! Then I was just average.... :p In the meantime it said I was cheating a lot...... :blush:
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
I didn't understans how to use the letters......

When you have a txt document open (for example), simply hold down the Alt-button on your keyboard while typing in the ASCII-keycode on your numpad (situated to the right on your keyboard).

For example;

- Press and hold down Alt
- Enter 225 on the numpad
- Release Alt and voila, the letter "ß" appears on your screen!
Originally posted by Fjelltussa

Nope, not svartruss; I'm red. :-/ (kjedelige allmenn...) How about you; what kind of linje do you take?

Hehe, then it is Vaterlandstunnellen and Sound of Noise! :)

Allmenn. Which is boring, probably. I'm starting at Monday, in 1. klasse. The nerves, the nerves! Must try to control 'em!!

Not-so-fascinating-fact: I read about some girls from Ål in Dagbladet today. They were mad A1-fanatics, and have been in a documentary on Norwegian television, etc. Do you know about these girls?