Question for Cubasers


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I'm still in SX3 version. So I wonder if modern Cubases have what i am looking for.

I explain.

For more realistic programmed drums, the "random position" (don't know how is it called in english) option on Midi tracks works great, with a little ammount of it you can get a more humanized groove.

The problem is that I like to export/bounce the tracks to WAV so as to process them individually.

You can export each track in that "random position" mode, but everytime you export a track the random is different, so OH will not be exactly in the same position as snare or whatever.

Is there a way in next Cubases to export/bounce all tracks from a VSTi together?
Not sure I understand how you randomize the drums, do you select all the notes in the piano roll, then go in the MIDI menu, and Quantize setup? Then you choose how much % you want to randomize? because this way, it's randomized but the notes stay at the same place each time you bounce.
Not sure I understand how you randomize the drums, do you select all the notes in the piano roll, then go in the MIDI menu, and Quantize setup? Then you choose how much % you want to randomize? because this way, it's randomized but the notes stay at the same place each time you bounce.

I randomize by the left Properties menu to the left of the menu.
Don't know why but I get better results than the way you say.
Cubase 5 & 6 can multi export. So you would just have to set different channels as output for each drum and then multi export each channel to separate wav files in one go. You should really upgrade as 5 & 6 are miles ahead of SX.
I had the exact problem that you describe. And the solution is the Logical Editor ;-)
With the Logical Editor, I have created some functions for adding (o substract) random values to the notes position, with different values if i want more o less 'randomness'. And the same thing for velocities. Or to move every second hit to another note (useful if you want to separate the midi drum kick to two different notes), etc etc...

I'm at work right now, but I can post screenshots later of my random-position functions.
Mira, asi es como tengo configurada una de las funciones. Esta en concreto, mueve cada nota midi seleccionada en un rango entre -12 y 12 "posiciones" a su posicion actual. Tengo varias funciones con diferentes valores, ya que igual mover notas aleatoriamente 12 posiciones para un tema lento va bien, pero para otro a 220bpm es demasiado :P
Lo uso sobre todo para bombos, caja, y hi-hat.

Did it ever occur to you guys that this might be interesting for the non-spanish speakers?
I think the screen shot is clear enough, but I hate when people suddenly switch languages mid-thread.
Carry on :)

All right I'll mess around with Logic Editor

jarenare said:
This is how I set up ine of the presets. This one moves every midi notes in a range between -12 and 12 positions from his original position. I have several presets with different values, cause random position of 12 is ok for slow songs bit it is too much for 220 BPM.
I use it specially for KD, SN and HH.