Question for Doug Ott!


Oct 14, 2002
South Florida
Well, the last name OTT is not like Smith so I figured I'd ask for the hell of it. Hey Doug - you don't have a brother that has anything to do with Stanford University do you?.... (trying to leave this purposely vague)
No. There are a few Ott's out there but we are not all directly related. My brother, Dennis, actually lives in Oroville, Ca, which is up by Chico.

I'm not really related to Mel Ott of the San Francisco Giants fame either...unfortunately!

Another question for Doug then.

Doug, you've done an amazing job writing and recording so much new material. Doesn't that take up an enormous amount of energy? And can you just work on an album at certain times or does it haunt you 24/7 until it's finished? Now that it's finished, what's up for you? A good long vacation or do you continue right away on the promotion activities?
Douglas A. Ott said:
I'm not really related to Mel Ott of the San Francisco Giants fame either...unfortunately!


I take it Ed Ott of Pittsburgh Pirate fame isnt a relative either. Beat my Orioles in the 79 World Series....pretty traumatic for a 7 yr old baseball fan:waah:

Ed Ott is my hero!

I wish I was alive to have witnessed the Pirates beat the Orioles in that thrilling world series...

but I have been treated to 11 consecutive losing seasons...

Well first off let me say thank you! It doesn't happen often but every once in awhile someone, like you, realizes that it takes a whole hell of a lot, to do what I do in this band and gives me kudos for it. It is truely appreciated!!

It takes a year off my life, I'm convinced, evertime I make an Enchant album! It's very hard work. I work 24/7 straight up until it's done. Tug took 2 1/2 months or about 860 hours of my dedication and devotion to complete.

I took a bit of time off...about 2 weeks. Took a trip to Germany to do promotion and now it's time to start rehearsing for our upcoming tour.

So I'm back to the 3 times a week practice schedule, so we kick some ass in Europe!

Thanks for asking!


keeper of the flame said:
Another question for Doug then.

Doug, you've done an amazing job writing and recording so much new material. Doesn't that take up an enormous amount of energy? And can you just work on an album at certain times or does it haunt you 24/7 until it's finished? Now that it's finished, what's up for you? A good long vacation or do you continue right away on the promotion activities?