Question for JonnyD

AngelWitch73 said:
My name´s not JonnyD but I like MORBID ANGEL and have to put in my 2 cents. I recommend you start with "Altars Of Madness" and "Blessed Are The Sick". And then go for "Covenant" and "Domination".
lol Just get em all in alphabetical order ... I know lots of ppl dont care for the Steve Tucker records but I thought he was good ... David has more Character but Steve is LOUD ... that and he did the all the songs old and new very well live :)
I vote for Covenant and Domination. Altars of Madness is very good as well. I didn't mind the Tucker records at all but C and D are my personal favs.

Heretic is awful!!! Don't start with it! Download the song "Angel Of Disease" and you have a best of compilation for the whole album.