Question for Lars.

Does Lars ever post here?

I know he has always been big with Hammond organs, but the synths on Q are different, in fact I don't think there is any organ at all on Q.
Does Lars ever post here?

I know he has always been big with Hammond organs, but the synths on Q are different, in fact I don't think there is any organ at all on Q.

Colossus and Genesis Torn are clearly organ. I just want a cheap keyboard with synth and organ. :erk:

Lars post rarely but I'll keep this bumped, hopefully he'll see it.
He does post sometimes, but I can't see him posting any time soon. With the whole baby thing. :lol:
On Empiricism and Epic I used a hammond B3, but on Quintessence I actually used an old Alesis-synth that had a whole lot of nice and kind of old-fashioned sounds. I loved that keyboard, but it died on tour (back in 2001, I think) so after that it has been all Hammond for me.