Keys on Quintessence


May 7, 2006
I just wanted to share my appreciation for, and curiosity about, Lars' keyboard work on Quintessence. Some of my favourite keyboards of any album ever. I think they demonstrate the prog rock influence which set the band apart from their contemporaries even then. Rather than using keyboards for atmosphere, or to create a symphonic backdrop, they seem like a real part of the band, as crucial and irreplaceable as any other instrument.

I wonder what instruments were used though. Obviously the Hammond plays a large part, but what synths were used on this recording? There's some really cool stuff going on in there.
I used two different Hammond emulators, an old Alesis synth with modified sounds and some weird soundbanks that Peter Tagtgren dug up from the heaps of equipment that he has in his studio. I mixed a lot of sounds and did some experimenting with effects and so on. It's been a while, so I can't remember all the details, but I still think the result is pretty cool.
cool, thanks! yeah the overall effect is really unique, i like it a lot. recent listenings to this album have gotten me more interested in synthesizers as an instrument themselves, rather than just something to simulate other instruments.