Question for the band

Extremis Invictus

New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2006
This is a question based upon a dispute that arose out of a discussion of theoreticals... ok Question? This I suppose is the equivalent to Death Metal Fan Fiction,..
.. but I am having an arguement with a friend about the way Abigail Williams would place the track order of the 6 songs they have recorded right now, if they were going to release it tommorrow.. (Swollen Disgust, Evolution of the Elohim, Watchtower, Melquiades, Forced ingestion of binding chemicals, and A Perfect Knot), now I know there was a controversy of Swollen Disgust being donated to an unnamed band, but for arguments sake...

Because of the epic nature/feel of the songs, it feels like the songs flow and tell a story let me explain, this is the way I think you would release these songs if you were going to do them as an EP.

1. Evolution of the Elohim
2. Watchtower
3. Melequiades
4. A Perfect Knot
5. Forced Ingestion of Binding Chemicals
6. Swollen Disgust

I just feel the vibe flows through that order perfectly. I think I feel the emotion the artists intended, but my good friend Justin says I'm retarded and that it would be:

1. Swollen Disgust
2. Melequiades
3. Evolution of the Elohim
4. Forced Ingestion of Binding Chemicals
5. A Perfect Knot
6. Watchtower

Are either of us right? I mean I suppose 'right' is a speculative term here as this wouldn't be released as an EP of anykind, instead as part of a full album, This is all based in the theoretical and non-probable, but for some reason Justin and I got into this so I wanna know what the band members think or could tell us between mine and Justin's listing, which the band agrees with more in regards to the continuity and flow?

I'm sorry if this is way too out there, but we sometimes become really passionate about the music, and this demo was given to me by an american who visted Canada, and now my friends and I can't get enough!

Please someone in the band resolve our Dispute! thank you
(and no, there's no money on it) :u-huh:

:rock: Abigail Williams :rock: :notworthy

Oh yeah, and 2 subquestions, what is the deal with Swollen Disgust belonging to another band? It sounds like an Abigail Williams song if you ask me..

and lastly, do would you guys say extreme symphonic thrash/death metal would be an accurate description of your music? or Black/Thrash/Death Metal? I try not to hear core in songs so I'll refrain from using that word here, besides it's too medieval to be core..
I don't think all of those songs are going to be on the album, but I could be wrong, since I'm not in the band n stuff. :|
By the way, god forbid, please don't let your vocalist do the high vocals the old way on the full-length.. basically what I'm trying to say

Metalcore screams on the 05' demo: :Puke: :Puke:

Black Metal screams on Watchtower:
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
:notworthy :notworthy

If you do include old songs, I SERIOUSLY reccommend re-recording them with the new vocal styles, It makes you more than just true metal, it makes the clean singing parts sound more legit and black metal. It kinda reminds me of Cradle of Filth's vocal styling's but I don't want to make that comparison cause you guys are waaay fucking better than that, but that style of vocals actually suits/fits your music, whereas in Cradle, it always sounds like the voice is competeing with the music..

So yeah to recap, if Watchtower is an indication of Abigails Williams new permanent vocal direction....:

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Just didn't want you to think we didn't notice, cause It must be WAY harder on your voice man, then to sing the way you used to, but It's so damn worth it for your music, respect, keep doing it no matter how much it hurts..

the reward?

:notworthy :notworthy
:notworthy ... :notworthy
welp Forced Ingestion and A Perfect Knot are pretty much "dead" songs sp they won't be on the upcoming EP or full length...

and yes, Swollen Disgust will be on the full length, but under a different name.

The "old" vocals on the 05 demo are a different vocalist. That was Connor... Ken is now the vocalist in the band. He does the vocals on the Watchtower demo... so yes, the new recordings will have that kind of vocal style.

so there you go. peace!

well watchtower will probably be last you got that right at least. forced ingestion and perfect knot i dont like those songs so scrap them. the vocals are however i feel like doing them for each song, its different for different songs. but yea the lows will be lower the highs will be higher and the singing will probably suck because all the above is ruining my voice ha.
sorceron said:
well watchtower will probably be last you got that right at least.

Well funny enough technically it means I was wrong and my friend got it right, either way, thanks for the info... :kickass: Come to Canada
