Kerrang review KKKK!!!


Jul 20, 2005
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - Legend ep (candlelight)



"It only takes a rummage through the legions of identikit emo and metalcore bands to find a glittering gem. Despite looking exactly as you might imagine, Abigail Williams have taken fresh-faced metal down the left hand path, adding the eerie symphonic bluster of Cradle and Dimmu to their feral, heads-down deathcore. The result is obscenely exciting, as blastbeats and inhuman shrieks thud like freshly dispatched corpses against the drama and menace of black metal at its most theatrical. And given the sheer quality of their songs, particularly 'From A Buried Heart' and 'Watchtower', its easy enough to forgive a Hitler haircut or two.

Download: 'from a buried heart'.
For fans of: 'Cradle Of Filth, The Black Dahlia Murder'.
Cool. I don't get the "hitler haircuts" comment. nor do I see anythign about EMO at all. Unless Emo-hair = hitler hair.

little confused by all that. Congrats on the positive review though!
wait wtf... for fans of black dahlia murder and cradle of filth?

is that an oxymoron or what?
you guys should wear giant pink mohawks or something, that would be good. Also, i like black dahlia murder and cradle of filth, i thought they were fair comparisons although, you guys have a pretty unique sound.
EnmityPure999 said:
Shit i dont really think the genre of the music should matter. Music is an art form used to express. Emo hardcore metal black death what ever its labled as is still an expression of some ones inner soul, i would like to believe, so good music = good music. I give all music a good listen to in order to deside how deep and passionate a persion can be with out losing truth in them selves. I do find the music that hits me the hardest is black and deathmetal. but there lots of fake emo bands hardcore bands because of its popularity there for its getting a bad name from all the fakes and gayness. but its getting that way with deathmetal. i thought the good was dead in blackmetal before i heard Abigail Williams because there fearlessness and abillity to mix manny styles so its not just generic and could be easily catagorized with one word.

Not everything should be black and white.

thats sig worthy...
Well I don't mind (hehe, none of my business after all) but he started the sentence with "Unless" which means that those are not his own words but what he was wondering if the reviewer was thinking. Still I think the hair cut is not enough, you need the mustache :p


funny thing is the guy with the short hair on the left on the pic was never in the band, he was literally a friend that was around when we took the pic and i told him to get in it for a laugh since we didnt have a drummer at the time. next thing you know we are metalcore kids with hitler haircuts.