Question for the band

Darth Grimby

Hell's Satans - \m/oncton
Jul 20, 2002
Hey guys,

So I saw you guys twice when you played here in Canada, and I bought 2 shirts but I forgot to pre-order the CD (I wish I had, I would have loved to get an autographed copy to go with my Swamplord CD that you guys autographed!).

Now I am stuck waiting because the North American release hasn't occurred yet. Do you know when the release date is for N.A.?
So I thought I would ask here as the topic is quite suitable.

Dear Kalmah, are you going to give anymore concerts till December after the two in Oulu in August? Im asking because Im coming to Finland on the 14th and Im gonna dwell in the southern part of the country. Its also my first time there and Im going there on some European project so I have to settle down in a way for the first few days and it might be difficult for me to in the middle of the week (which is 20th Aug) go way half the country to see you guys in Oulu. If you dont plan to play at any more gigs Ill do what I possibly can to be on that one though.
it might be difficult for me to in the middle of the week (which is 20th Aug) go way half the country to see you guys in Oulu.

:lol: Sorry, just find this funny. I drove across half of MY country (Canada) which is like driving across ALL of Finland 4 times, just to see Kalmah. Do yourself a favour, make the drive! I always see you posting on this board so you're definitely a diehard fan like me... it'll be worth the drive and hassle, trust me! :kickass:
:lol: Sorry, just find this funny. I drove across half of MY country (Canada) which is like driving across ALL of Finland 4 times, just to see Kalmah. Do yourself a favour, make the drive! I always see you posting on this board so you're definitely a diehard fan like me... it'll be worth the drive and hassle, trust me! :kickass:

the problem is its my first week and im not sure if at school in which im gonna teach for 4 months theyd view it as sth 'sensible' if i just skip 2 days of school week. thats why i ask if they are planning to play at any more gigs. id like to make some nice first impression on the people from the village. if there is a chance to avoid the hard feelings they could have for me Id like to do that.

eh :erk: i guess it might be hard to understand...
Sucks they are never coming to Mexico. Hell I'd even walk to Arizona. Btw, I'd be glad to see that videotape, I would make one myself. xD
:lol: Sorry, just find this funny. I drove across half of MY country (Canada) which is like driving across ALL of Finland 4 times, just to see Kalmah. Do yourself a favour, make the drive! I always see you posting on this board so you're definitely a diehard fan like me... it'll be worth the drive and hassle, trust me! :kickass:

i got all u fucks beat...i flew half way around the world to see them play in finalnd. then four more times when they hit canada:rock:
sooo... as no information about planned events showed up Im forced to go to Oulu this "Keskivikko". This will cost me 200 euro and will affect my budget horribly but well... Kalmah is the main reason I wanted to come here. Fortunately the school headmaster and my mentor here agreed. She even reserved a ticket for me and looked though train connections to get me some best one :grin: Love Finns and their Saunas (got already 3 :D )
last week at this hour i was in Jarvenpaa getting ready for the train to Oulu... i wanted to come and post here a bit earlier but i slept half torstai got stuck in the helsinki triangle for the weekend and only now have i gotten the chance to upload pics and vids and also post the links here.

i visited the venue before the concert to get to know that Kalmah was gonna make the main sound check. came back after an hour, made a few pics of them on stage and bothered the guys for some time (now i know a few secrets! thanks Marco for keeping it up!) got autographs on 'FTR' and 'Swampsong' cds and also had a few pics with them :grin: . after that i took a nice place to enjoy the concert and waited... didnt take many pictures of the concert for i recorded most of it and also head-banged a bit (i consider that a must on every good concert. thats my way of showing respect to the music :p ). after the concert had a short chat again - got Pekkas (almost handmade) pick, autograph on it and tried my charm on Kuisma so that i could get a drumstick of his, but no... that unfortunately didnt work :p

and then i met these two cool people from Oulu - Eija and Petteri - with whom i spent a couple hours till midnight when i my train home was leaving. We had a very pleasant conversation with Pekka who appeared on the other side of the table. he ate my jelly bears and i ate his peanuts and the world could end there but it didnt... still ^^ these were some nice moments.

i love you guys even more knowing that you are actually real - My Dearest Swamplords! Kiitos for your hyvaa tervetuloa!

(im sorry for the lack of "umlaut a" but i dont have one on my keyboard)

and you dear Kalmah fans posting here - ENVY ME EVEN MORE! ;)
Hy, I'm from Serbia and "I wonder who I really am"? Just kidding, I'm interesting is there any chance that Kalmah come to Serbia? Thank's for great music, keep going like that! Hail