Question for the bay area people

Tequila is not Jose Cuervo.

Get some Hornitos or some Patrone Blanco or hell, Sammy's Cabo....


DL, you need some serious tequila enlightenment.
I'd choose Grey Goose if I had to choose vodka, seriously.
Fuck Absolute, Fuck Stoli.

But *EVERYONE* knows it's TEQUILA that makes a chick horny for sex!
Testament Legions said:
Yeah, "encouraging a minor to drink." How sweet (heavy sarcasm).

i will never encourage a minor to drink, i complitely see your point there,

but as someone that hasnt grew up in the states, i drank ALOT when i was a minor, simply because it was legal...
in Europe the legal age for beer is 15...
its all about what you used to and what you grew up on...
i dont have a drinking problem because i started drinking at 15...
you know?

however, since we are not in europe- i respect the 21 age when it comes to that.

sorry Pyrus, i wont buy you a beer then :D
Here's my disclaimer....My opinions are my own and my statements are
my own and the only liability for them is me.

I see nothing wrong with minors taking a drink. They smoke. Nicotine
is just as addictive and poisonous as booze is. Lots of people smoke
weed. Weed's illegal. When I was a teenager I smoked pot and I drank.
Teenagers of generations before me did it and they do it now.
There's worse things a kid could do. like coke or meth and I'm talking
from experience. When I was in college I bought alcohol for the minors,
because before I turned 21 someone was doing it for me. In College,
I had always had a fat bottle of jager in my college I earned
the name Chuck Jager (Yeager) cause I'd always drink Jager.
I had my first beer when I was 3 but I didnt start drinking beer til I was

Hell, I almost got tossed from the Fillmore for buying a minor a beer.
during Machine Head.Not the smartest thing, but why not.
I drank underage in bars all the time when I was 19 and 20.
On the last night One Step Beyond was open,and Vio-Lence was headlining,
the door guy stamped me 21 and I was not yet and I was drinking beers
and hookin my friends up with it. It was a good time.
As long as you maintain and don't get out of control, I see nothing wrong
with it. In my world, anything else would be contradictory and hypocritical.

I have no problems with buying Pyrus alcohol.
i have no problem buying Pyrus alcohol if we were somewhere in lovely Holland, for example.
but i dont want to break any rules, no matter how dumb i think they are.
thats just me, thats just you.

i understand your point tho, ON.
i seriously dont get the 21 thing here...
you know, when those kids reach 21 finally, some of them just start drinking like there is no tomorrow because now: "they can"
in this country you have more alcoholic people than in any european country.
if you let them do something when they are young: when they grow up: it wont be as "cool" anymore, you know? alcohol will be just a part of their regular bar life and dinners...

thats my opinion, anyways.

but hey. still, i wont buy them alcohol in bars.
if they will come to my house, however, they can open my beer fridge freely :D
Dead_Lioness said:
i have no problem buying Pyrus alcohol if we were somewhere in lovely Holland, for example.
but i dont want to break any rules, no matter how dumb i think they are.
thats just me

OH COME ON! Piss off with that proper bollocks now! :)
"I dont want to break any rules"...bloody rubbish If I ever heard it.

not too long ago it was "I'll be a good girl. I'll follow the rules"

You break them all the time in real life. You're such a bloody hypocrite!

*Cough*Maiden Live pics*cough*cough*No cameras at the venue*cough*
*cough*snuck the camera in past the door guy*cough*

what do you call that? That was an intentional and premeditated violation
of the rules by sneaking pics. Fuckin Tops.

You slay me you cheeky bird you.

And I dont think Pyrus would need you to buy him beer in either Lovely
Holland or gothic industrial Germany or traditional historic England or the
icy wonderland of Norway,most of the blokes his age end up at the pub for a pint anyway. I've known folks across the pond who said and done as much.

I hereby sentence you to 16 weeks of Officer Nice Boot Camp for
training and instruction. God owns your soul but your ass belongs to me.
ON, you need to chill sometimes, you know?

yeah, i dont want to break any rules, if you dont like it, screw you.
the reason i dont want to break any rules is the same reason i dont want to get kicked out of places for being an idiot.

dont like it?
i care not.
Trust me, TL, I don't need encouragement to drink. ;)

Just messing around. I drink a hell of a lot less than a lot of kids I know...they see it as a forbidden evil \m/ so they just go "In for a penny, in for a pound" and drink until they pass out. My parents are pretty liberal, so I know enough to realize that booze, like all forms of entertainment, is a thing best taken in moderation. I'm a social drinker more than anything else - every couple weeks, I hang out with some friends, get trashed, get goofy. It's relaxing. I've only gotten REALLY stumbling puking piss-drunk once in my life, and that sucked hard.

Other than that, I smoke a little weed and that's it. I've seen too many good people fuck themselves up on meth, etc. to even want to go near that crap. And as for cigarettes, I've never seen the point. It doesn't even get you high - just gives ya bad teeth and possibly cancer.

But yeah, I see your point, Karen. I was just joking around, anyway...I've already got a hookup. ;) And I'm sure Officer's just giving you shit...he likes to play Bad Cop.
Dead_Lioness said:
ON, you need to chill sometimes, you know?

yeah, i dont want to break any rules, if you dont like it, screw you.
the reason i dont want to break any rules is the same reason i dont want to get kicked out of places for being an idiot.

dont like it?
i care not.
Oh My God. YOU need a chill pill. I was teasing you. That much was
obvious. cat noise:Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I was giving you a hard time. Obviously, you're
not one of the guys (you said you were)because you're to friggin sensitive.

Lighten Up honey.

You're absolutely no fun at all when you're being a rotter.
I will say this.....I grew up in the neighborhood in which Pyrus lives......there is a drinking tradition that must be up held......I was a minor & drinking at such places that only Pyrus could recognize.....West Clay, Richmond Playground, The steps at the end of California street, Lincoln Golf Course, Golden Gate Park, Sloat Beach, Sea Cliff, Cliff House Parking Lot, China Beach, Ocean Beach, The Boat............I could go on & on,..... he must maintain my homeland.....thats just a way of life where we grew up........He needs to do this to grow up normol! Just Look how I turned out.........?:ill:
Dead_Lioness said:
ON, you need to chill sometimes, you know?

yeah, i dont want to break any rules, if you dont like it, screw you.
the reason i dont want to break any rules is the same reason i dont want to get kicked out of places for being an idiot.

dont like it?
i care not.
Oh DL, your statement is flawed. I know you're trying to take a crack
for me for buying a minor a beer :

"i dont want to break any rules is the same reason i dont want to get kicked out of places for being an idiot. "

but you were clearly breaking rules sneaking a camera into a venue
to snap pics of Maiden. If Security had seen that camera, they would
have confiscated it, or you would have been ejected from the venue.
Those being the most obvious assumptions.

So, you are no better than I.
Have a Nice Day.

Oh, and when someone's taking the piss out of you, (all in jest) don't
get sour like an old hen.
Deadly Embrace said:
drinking at such places that only Pyrus could recognize.....West Clay, Richmond Playground, The steps at the end of California street, Lincoln Golf Course, Golden Gate Park, Sloat Beach, Sea Cliff, Cliff House Parking Lot, China Beach, Ocean Beach, The Boat............
Golden Gate Park, been there.
Cliff House Parking Lot, been there.
Ocean Beach, been there.

Your homeland is cool.
cancel the voda. Twhel, mostly...onyl hada bit left/ So we jacked some Bacardil, shacsed it with colthoalcte clk


poettry rwaefing went idng welll. IT wrocked whardcore. I mentioend death angel & Dismameber!

argh. drunm.listenign to crazy M3TAL.

dfunno what the holy fuckh howlfing fucking i'm wsyingna.zs. arfh.

my friends are almsto ats=s weasxtd as i am, but i', hella toutsdetrinking themk.

gio me.]
stop talking now.