Question for the bay area people

Pyrus said:
cancel the voda. Twhel, mostly...onyl hada bit left/ So we jacked some Bacardil, shacsed it with colthoalcte clk


poettry rwaefing went idng welll. IT wrocked whardcore. I mentioend death angel & Dismameber!

argh. drunm.listenign to crazy M3TAL.

dfunno what the holy fuckh howlfing fucking i'm wsyingna.zs. arfh.

my friends are almsto ats=s weasxtd as i am, but i', hella toutsdetrinking themk.

gio me.]
stop talking now.

*takes the keyboard away from Pyrus*
last time (2001) I was to the US, one evening my dad was going out with us (me and my bro) and he´s like 52 and the club staff really asked him for his ID hahahaha ....... until this day I never saw something that funny ´cause my dad couldn´t believe what was happening to him :loco:
I missed Slayer among others (Vader, Onkel Tom, Nile etc) in Wacken this last summer because I was too drunk and passed out. That kinda sucked, but what can I do...

Then again in december I missed Naglfar and Necrophobic because I was too drunk and passed out :) I woke up around 4.30 AM on a piano lost somewhere in the building the gigs were, and EVERYTHING was locked, so I had to climb out from a 3rd floor window. It was also very cold (Winter in northern Sweden) and I had left my jacket somewhere and only has a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off.

Vodka is the thing when you want to get piss drunk fast&easy, especially in Germany where cheap vodka is FUCKING cheap (compared to Sweden where all alcohol is expensive as hell) and FUCKING bad.