How do you charge? (by the song? bulk rate?)
How much do you charge?
Where would you say most of your business comes from?
My studio has acquired a lot of equipment lately, so we're considering doing some ReAmping. Obviously we'll have to get our re-amp chops up, which we're working on starting tomorrow.
We have a big open recording room, an isolation room that's very dead sounding (only fits a cab in it), a very large crawl space that is bright and dead, and a concrete room that sounds bright. We also have 2 tubescreamers, a metal zone and a bunch of rack equipment along with miscellaneous pedals.
Here's the equipment we have:
Guitar Amps:
Peavey 5150 (Clarity and Noise Reduction Mods)
ENGL Powerball
Line 6 HD147
Mesa Boogie DC5
Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
Marshall JCM800
Marshall Mosfet (total crap but someone might want it..
Marshall MG80 (ehh)
Guitar Cabs:
Mesa 3/4 Size 4x12
Mesa Full Size Rectifier Cab 4x12
ENGL Full Size 4x12
Line 6 full size 4x12 with V30s
Marshall VS 4x12
Behringer Full Size 4x12 (2)
Do people pay to reamp bass very often? We don't have very much, but it does sound good.
Bass Amps:
SWR Tube head
Yorkville 2x10 combo
Hartke 12" Combo
Tech21 Sansamp
Bass Cabs:
Mesa Boogie 4x10
Trace Elliot 1x15
Yorkville 1x15
How much do you charge?
Where would you say most of your business comes from?
My studio has acquired a lot of equipment lately, so we're considering doing some ReAmping. Obviously we'll have to get our re-amp chops up, which we're working on starting tomorrow.
We have a big open recording room, an isolation room that's very dead sounding (only fits a cab in it), a very large crawl space that is bright and dead, and a concrete room that sounds bright. We also have 2 tubescreamers, a metal zone and a bunch of rack equipment along with miscellaneous pedals.
Here's the equipment we have:
Guitar Amps:
Peavey 5150 (Clarity and Noise Reduction Mods)
ENGL Powerball
Line 6 HD147
Mesa Boogie DC5
Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
Marshall JCM800
Marshall Mosfet (total crap but someone might want it..
Marshall MG80 (ehh)
Guitar Cabs:
Mesa 3/4 Size 4x12
Mesa Full Size Rectifier Cab 4x12
ENGL Full Size 4x12
Line 6 full size 4x12 with V30s
Marshall VS 4x12
Behringer Full Size 4x12 (2)
Do people pay to reamp bass very often? We don't have very much, but it does sound good.

Bass Amps:
SWR Tube head
Yorkville 2x10 combo
Hartke 12" Combo
Tech21 Sansamp
Bass Cabs:
Mesa Boogie 4x10
Trace Elliot 1x15
Yorkville 1x15