Question for the singers amongst us


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Moony and Lord Tim, your attention please: :)

We've all noticed that Mr Dickinson's voice wasn't in the greatest of shape on Tattooed Millionaire, No Prayer and FotD, but how did he get back into such fine form on Accident of Birth, Chemical Wedding and BNW? I'm puzzled :confused:.

It may have been partly that or maybe he'd been singing wrong...

A few years back, I noticed that my stamina was absolutely shot - I'd be able to do a few songs but after that, it was all over and I was straining to do the rest of the set. That straining didn't help either so it was a vicious circle - sing wrong, strain, hurt your throat, sing wrong to try to cover up the problems, strain more, hurt your throat...

What I did was stop playing guitar altogether and just concentrate on singing from the correct place in my chest, using correct techniques and I tell you what, it made ALL the difference! I added the guitar back in after that but was also very mindful of what I was doing for ages, just so I didn't slack off and fall into bad habits...

When you're on a monster world-wide tour, you get damn tired! It's a hard job doing Bruce vocals, so you can imagine what it's like night after night after night, worse even if you have a cold but still have to go sing - that makes stuff extra tricky...

It would be soooo easy to fall into bad techniques unless you're really on the ball every night (as I said, a hard job to do on a monster tour), so I'd say that had a lot to do with it...

Lazyness? Maybe too - he was going through a weird time with Maiden then as well...

I think it's more the time he took off to reasses what he's doing plus a good long break that's gotten him back to his amazing self now! :)
I once heard some git on the Maiden newsgroup say that Bruce changed his vocal style for Tattooed Millionaire, NPFTD and FOTD because critics said he could only sing his 80s style. I've always thought that was rubbish, though.

I don't think his heart was in the music he was doing at the time and so he was slumming it. Once he started doing stuff he was interested in (ie. his solo material) he picked up his game bigtime. I'm sure what Timmy says applies as well, though!
I think all those world tours finally caught up with him, Maiden didnt take a break for like 7 years, that must be hell on your voice.....
What are these correct singing techniques? I want to be able to find this right spot in my chest so that when I sing I don't sound like I'm suffering from a painful illness.

Cool thanks! I shall try that next time I'm pretending to be a rock star in the lounge room :) Hehehe. I would like to be able to sing at least *decently* though so I can put some vocals on the demos i make of songs I write.
Yep, Tania's right - the yawning technique works! :)

With metal, it's more aggressive so I tend to use the barfing technique! HAHAHA!

Actually, I'm only half joking about that! When Stu first joined the band, we did intensive vocal training to get his range up to scratch and the thing I noticed right away was he was straining because he was constricting his throat when he went for the higher notes...

I told him to sing like you're just about to throw up, so that your throat is really open and your tongue is pressed down a bit... then try to sing from further down your throat, closer to your chest rather than the top of your throat where your vocal chords are.

He added like 3 or 4 notes to his range in 2 weeks just by doing that. Now, since he's been in the band, he's added just over half an octave to his range just from singing correctly! :)

But it's slightly different for everyone, so I'd recommend finding a good (read: knows metal or opera and correct techniques!) singing coach and getting them to suss out what's right for you!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

He added like 3 or 4 notes to his range in 2 weeks just by doing that. Now, since he's been in the band, he's added just over half an octave to his range just from singing correctly! :)

GO STU!! :headbang: