Question regarding Tuska 2003


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Does anyone know when Tuska Festival in Helsinki will be next summer? If I remember this past summer correctly, it was the middle weekend in July, the 12th-14th. I'm curious if anyone has any information about how this festival works, i.e.--->

Is it right smack in the middle of Helsinki?
How much does it cost for the entire weekend?
Can you go to only 1 day if you want?
Have any bands been announced yet?

Stuff like that. I checked the Tuska site and it doesn't appear to have any updates yet, plus most of it is in Finnish (which I clearly don't speak, read or write). I'll be visiting Finland & Sweden next summer with my girlfriend (who's grandparents live in Helsinki), right before I go to Wacken 2003, so any help would be great! Thanks in advance.
I got my pictures taken, but I haven't gotten to the county seat to actually fill out the paperwork & pay. I'm going to wait until after the holidays when it's less hectic over there. It only takes 4-6 weeks roughly, right?
yup, the party line is six weeks but our travel agent said it usually happens more can find the application on the web or pick one up at a post office, but not every post office will accept the completed ones, fortunately we had one only a mile away that did. They charged $85...
I've seen that there are also services out there which for what I'm sure is an additional fee promise to expedite the processing for you.
It's very close to the middle of Helsinki. Last year the whole weekend ( 3 days ) cost 55 euro ( very close to 55 USD ). You can get tickets for just one day if you like. The only band I know of that has been announced for Tuska 2003 is 'Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus'.
The tickets where sold out last year so it might be a good idea to book them in advance...
I don't know if the lineup is now fully confirmed, but from what I can tell off the official site, the following bands are going to be there this year:

Type O Negative
Arch Enemy
The Haunted
T.R. & Trio Niskaluakaus
The 69 Eyes
Finntroll (yes!!!)
Moonsorrow (yes!!!)
Rotten Sound

Now, I won't be arriving until around noon-time on July 12, so hopefully I will see the bands I really want to see (i.e. Arch Enemy, The Haunted, Edguy, Finntroll, Moonsorrow, Amorphis, Norther, Behemoth)...

Now, since I speak absolutely zero Finnish, will English-speaking fans have a lot of difficulty at the fest?
Since I can't read more than 50 words on the official site, what times does the show kick off each day, and end each day? And is it still roughly 55 EURO this year?

Last question: does anyone have an opinion of what additional artists might be there? Any BIG names?
markgugs said:
Since I can't read more than 50 words on the official site, what times does the show kick off each day, and end each day? And is it still roughly 55 EURO this year?

Last question: does anyone have an opinion of what additional artists might be there? Any BIG names?

The schedule or the ticket prices haven't been confirmed yet. They say the ticket prices "will be reasonable, but we don't yet know how reasonable".

Don't know about the additional bands. Probably mostly finnish bands though.
Thanks VoG. I'm still looking forward to the show, just based on who's been announced so far, but the Saturday (2nd) lineup begins probably only a few hours after I get to Finland from the USA, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get to. Here's to hoping though!
tuska fest information from

Tuska Open Air Metal Festival – briefly in english
We appologise that our entire web-site is not in english. Here is however a summmary and some hints that should make it possible for anyone to surf around Tuska-web.
Our navigation frame has following links:
Ohjelma = line up and info with links to homepages
Liput = tickets (see below)
Aikataulu = running order per day, easy to understand
Alue = festival area
Kartta = very general map of Helsinki
Säännöt = rules of the festival (see below)
Matkustus = traffic section, links to busses, railways etc.
Majoitus = accommodation, numbers and addresses to reasonable price hostels and hotels in Helsinki
Pressi = press area with instructions etc. If you are looking for an accreditation to our fest, please email
Messulauta = message board
Klubit = info about evening clubs
Info = general info about us and the festival
How to buy tickets?
We use two companys to sell our tickets. Easiest way to contact them is to surf to their web-pages:
Tickets cost XX eur/day and three day festival pass costs XX eur.
To make the going safe and sound!
To make this festival a first-class happening, members of the audience should pay attention to a few details, too.
We act within the law, and have a couple of special regulations as well.
Any kind of dressing-up is encouraged as long as the safety of your wear is taken into consideration. When rushing about in the front row you may harm a fellow celebrant with your nail bracelet. At the gate of the festival area the crew will check your outfit and remove everything considered dangerous, eg. bracelets made of nails. Use common sense in your dressing-up.
Bottles of glass and cans have to be left outside the festival area.
If, however, you should have on you something considered dangerous, there is a rack where to leave your things at the gate.