question to the band


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I have noticed at most shows, you have about 30-45 minute sets. If you were given the opportunity to play a 70-80 minute set, what songs throughout all your cds would you find a must in your set list?

I guess this ties in with the 80 minute compilation I am working on as I am curious to see if I am close in the songs I choose or if I am way off. :Spin: :cool:
Shit, that's a pretty good question. I admit we've gotten so used to playing shorter sets, I haven't really contemplated what kind of set list we'd put together for that long amount of stage time.....I wonder if I can even come up with 80 minutes worth of ND songs I'd actually WANT to play, haha!

Well, I don't know precisely what kind of time this actually amounts to, but I'll just list the songs that I think we'd be most likely to include in a live set given such a long time slot.....

In no exact order:

Not The Strong
Lost In A Day
Within My Flesh
The Pale Haunt Departure
Autumn Reflection
Dark World Burden
In The Absence Of Grace
Collapse Of The Fallen Throe
Swallowed By The Moon
The Day I Return
In Memories Past
Forever With Unopened Eye
With Rue And Fire

and these are "maybes"-

Dawn Breaks
Silent Tomorrow
thanks, I will compare as I continue spending 25(I am that good that I have created an extra hour per day :hypno: ) hours each day listening to all the cds trying to come up with a comp that not only keeps me entertained while driving on road trip and could also help get new people into the band.

I appreciate the response.
This is an intersesting question, im curious to see how varied each band members set list turns out.

In random order.....

The Pale Haunt Departure
Swallowed By the Moon
Autumn Reflection
Dark World Burden
In the Absence of Grace
The Dead Leaf Echo
Collapse of the Fallen Throe
Not the Strong
Lost in a Day
For Every Leaf that Falls
Dawn Breaks

a few maybes here......

Silent Tomorrow
Dark Fields for Brillance
very cool guys, I really appreciate you taking a second to think about it.

One more question, from the songs on your list, is there a song you know you would really want to start a set with and is there one that you think would be killer to finish the night with?:Spin:
suela said:
It´s good to see that this song is not a maybe at your list. ;)

Well see you have to understand, certain songs that might be "favorites" to listen to on the cd, aren't so easily interpreted in the live setting. The keyboards play a major part in that song, and needless to say, we don't have a keyboardist. We could, technically, play that song live at any time if we chose, but it wouldn't sound the same as the record....and then you'd have everyone saying "Oh man what a disappointment, it didn't have the same feel or sound as good as on the cd, blah blah..." We try to focus mainly on two things when organising a live set-- the songs that have the most energy to them, and the songs that will come across fully and properly when performed live. Same goes with "Dark Fields...", it's a great song but without the keys (and to a lesser extent, the female vocals) it just doesn't come across the same way live. We've attempted both of these songs live in the past, and they were both met with lukewarm reaction, from the crowd as well as ourselves. My goal would be to perform both of those songs live when we film the DVD, and we'll probably get a friend or session player to perform the keyboards and stuff for this special occasion. I personally wouldn't be dead set against having someone play keyboards for us regularly in the live setting, but we've yet to come across anyone capable and willing to do so.
I really appreciate the openness to talking about this. I have seen bands before that would answer only the most generic of questions.

Along with making a Novembers doom compilation, I am making a compilation of North American bands that I want to help get more attention.

The list of bands I am putting on it are:

Novembers Doom
Woods of Ypres
Fall of Empyrean
the Fifth Sun

I think with a couple songs from each band, it will need to be a double cd! :hypno:

I get many people requesting I burn them a copy to mail to them so hopefully all bands get more fans. I put in website and contact info in my little cd sleeve. :worship:
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Well see you have to understand....

Ooops, now I do. I didn´t consider all these important things. But now I understand. Thanks for the explanation. :)
No problem Suela, we just want to make sure you know we're not disregarding your suggestions or anything :) Hopefully when we finally get around to putting out our DVD, it'll have almost everything you could hope to hear live on it (well, except "Torn"....LOL)

Thanks for the efforts in getting our stuff heard by other people, Sean, it's much appreciated!