

New Metal Member
Mar 18, 2006
I am wondering what stores sell the album. I don't really have any record stores in my area, so I usually resort to Best Buy or stores of the like, but it seems as though they don't carry it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Where are you? You could special order it from Best buy, Barnes and noble, borders, or almost any record store. Just ask the clerk.
Most won't make you pay until it arrives.
While you're at it, ask them to stock it and then make all of your friends go buy it.:D
Jesse also can often work things out w/ folks who can't use paypal so you can drop him an email as well
I'm in Kansas City, Missouri. I seriously looked everywhere and cannot find it in stock. I didn't know it was possible to specially order it at the store without a credit card, so I'll have to check that out and then bitch slap them for not having it in stock when I went to go buy it two weeks ago. If it were possible for me to order off of here without Paypal or a credit card somehow, I'd be more than happy to oblige. I really want that t-shirt, haha. Thanks for the reply.
can someone please explain to me why the FUCK The End Records doesnt carry it yet??? I'm a pretty loyal customer who is starting to get pissed.
alejandro said:
can someone please explain to me why the FUCK The End Records doesnt carry it yet??? I'm a pretty loyal customer who is starting to get pissed.

Was surprised to see they don't have it as well. They aren't carrying No Reply either, for some reason. I emailed Andreas directly (we used to have regular contact) but received... No Reply. No idea what's up with that.
trust me... i already have 2 from the band as well as a shirt.

i'm concerned with its availability in North America that's all.
The End is a major distro/retailer here for metal